Internal/External Storage Issues
Enthusiast - Level 1

I have 32GB of Internal Storage and 30GB SD card on a Samsung A10E. I have moved all possible applications to the SD card and even set the phone to move apps that aren't generally movable in the developers options which enabled me to move quite a number of apps that weren't possible to move prior to that.

However, I have to continually check the storage location on those apps and move them back to external storage (SD card) pretty much every day. This is irritating to say the least.  Why doesn't the OS retain the storage location? My SD card us only at 24% use of 30GB, while internal storage is at 97% of 32GB.

Also I move any photos, videos, documents, etc. to the SD card upon receiving them and also access the phone through my laptop and delete or move photos, etc., that are stored in media/data directories that don't appear in galleries, or easily accessible locations. 

Also Samsung seems to continually add new applications to my phone for features I do not use and they are slowly eating up my internal storage. I continually have to delete applications to have enough storage space for the phone to operate. I clear caches for each app every day just to be able to use the phone. I am only using 13 apps outside of what has been installed on the phone by default, many of which I cannot delete (YouTube, Chrome, etc.) nor do I use.

I was under the impression that I actually own this phone and should therefore have the ability to decide what apps (other than those necessary for it to function) are on it.

It appears the only solution is to upgrade to a new phone when other than storage, this one works just fine. I have come to believe this is a built-in obsolescence feature to sell new phones, as I do not see any relevance to all the new system apps that are installed, as far as the actual performance and abilities of the phone.

I  am not given the option to opt-out of these system add-ons and upgrades yet none of them have enhanced the basic functionality or performance.  So Samsung/Verizon, why do you have to keep fixing something until it breaks? Is it just to get me to spend more money on a new phone that has features I don't want or wish for?

 I'm sure Samsung and Verizon are getting hefty payments for pre-installing these apps but unlike the personal computer world, we cannot delete them in order to replace them.

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