Newest Update on Samsung "Inconvenience and Loyalty" Credit
Contributor - Level 3

I know I had made the statement I wasn't going to contact Verizon again about the return shipping box, however, I caved after waiting another three weeks from the last call; a total of 5 weeks at the moment from the time I "upgraded" to the Edge.

Went on via chat, which seems to work better than a phone call.  Agent indicated she saw where the order for the box was requested but it was never sent.  She has since issued another order and this time I have an order number assigned; timeline is 3-5 days for receipt.

I also asked about the $100 bill credit.  She indicated that Verizon had just started to apply the credits to the bills within the last week and are in the process of being applied within the next billing cycle.  Hard to say there as my billing cycle ends today (15th) so am guessing the next cycle that starts tomorrow.

On a side note, I had upgraded to the 8GB plan a few months back as I was streaming the Olympics and didn't realize just how much data was getting eaten.  I've been getting 2 GB of bonus data each month, no cost promotion but is for "life," and asked about it as I am carrying over a lot of data each month.  I was told the 2GB is applied to all large data plans 8GB and over to allow a total of 10GB.  Now, my average use, and I am not an overly heavy user of data, is just under 5 GB per month, 4.71 to be exact, which means I barely touch the data I am actually paying for and never any of the carryover; a good promotion overall but a waste of money for my average use, and possibly for others who hit that in-between data requirement.  I made the suggestion that Verizon needs to research and/or re-implement the 6GB plan; I never understood why they took that option away anyway.

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7 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

Thanks for starting this discussion,I am completly in the dark about the credits and phone return.

I mailed my note7 back and have not heard anything since.

I did check the tracking number and it was recieved by verizon.

I just haven`t the energy or time to get too involved yet.

Master - Level 1

I've sent my 2 note 7 back and it has been only a week since they received them.I never got the $25 credit for the first 2 yet and would have thought that would have been done on my last bill because I honestly can't remember how long ago the first recall was.


I can almost hear the utter defeat reading your post.  This has been an unprecedented disaster.  Most Note 7 owners are just feeling like whipped dogs at this point.  The most injured were those who traded in their previous devices. 

I do not understand why Verizon isn't taking the phones back in stores.  All other carriers are.

Specialist - Level 1

Oh because Verizon is sucks in every possible way!!! Specially their so called trained Customer services whom don't resolve none.

Contributor - Level 3

Well, the box arrived on the 17th so halfway there; as an aside, there was no previous notice given it was sent or arriving and even though there was an order number, it didn't show up in the order section of the My Verizon area.

New bill came out but no credit was applied; contacted CS via chat but didn't get as, well knowledged let's say, an individual as I have been getting.  She was unaware of any credit being given at all, said there was nothing in the notes in my file indicating a credit had been applied.  Well, yes, I knew the credit hadn't been applied as yet which is why I initiated the conversation.

Where before I was told 1-2 billing cycles, after a long hold and some research, she came back and told me the credit was being applied in 2-3 billing cycles.  I'll try again in a few days as this is the last step in all this, finally.

Enthusiast - Level 3


  I just recieved a check in the mail,$51.84 from verizon for note 7 recall.

Total surprise??

No explination or any other information.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I also received two checks in mail related to note 7 recall per invoice. I called for an explanation and I was told it was not an error and it is valid okay to accept it. ???