Note 4 text issues

For the last three or four months I have had an issue with text messaging. People will either not receive a text I send the or I will not get one they have sent me. Is there anything I can do to remedy this issue temporarily? I am due for an upgrade soon and do not really want to have the phone replaced so close to upgrading... This text message issue happens with both Android and Apple products, so it is not the operating system no cooperating. I have restarted, battery popped, and erased a majority of my messages so I have tried everything I know to do...

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1 Reply
Verizon Employee


I depend on my text messages to work at all times so I can understand how inconvenient this may be. No worries, we will work together to get this issue resolved. When did you notice this issue begin? Does it happen with every text message you send and receive?


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