Ported over from Sprint--unable to send texts-all attempts via customer support have failed

Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G--


I have spent many hours with tech support and the issue has yet to be resolved. I have tried every trouble shooting options that were suggested.  

My signal seems to fluctuate from 5 to 2 bars when I am home that is.

If anyone has experienced this issue and found a solution, please reply.

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1 Reply
Contributor - Level 3

It's bad enough having a bad problem, but things are compounded when you have to deal with Verizon's terrible customer service!

It seems very odd that your signal would fluctuate that much! - - How is your data speeds ( a different thing of course, but something you want to know;  have you used the speed test app on your phone?  Try it without using wifi at home to see what it comes up as; let us know. - - Also try it with home wifi, if you have home wifi.

btw, "if you have home wifi" and are getting terrible phone reception, you should be able to use a Verizon Extender to improve your signal in your house;  plus you should be able to use wifi-calling (if you have wife) in your home too.

I'm positive you have been using Tier-2 tech support, right?  - - there's no way tier-1 (first person who answers your call to 611) can trouble shoot your problem... Hope this helps some!