Problems with Rebate.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I purchased some Galaxy S7's in the beginning of April told that if I buy one I'll get the second one free. Well I processed my rebate right after i got them. And I still haven't gotten approved for the rebates. The first reason the computer said was because I had purchased it at a non-participating store. Well i got it at a corporate location, called and they said I was due the rebate everything was in order paperwork was correct and it will be fixed after resubmitting. That was nearly a month ago. Now the computer is saying its missing information even though I was told by the rep over the phone that he saw I had submitted all the correct documents and receipts. This is ridiculous and I am very frustrated with Verizon. Forget the fact they took away my month-to-month promotions which is a whole separate and reluctantly accepted issue by me. I pay over 300 a month for my entire family and If I decide to go you can bet I'll be taking all of those lines with me.

Lastly I understand the rebates are handled by a third-party company outside of Verizon. Well sorry but that's no excuse. It was after all a Verizon representative that extended to me the offer. Can't pass the responsibility and the blame if something goes wrong.

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54 Replies

It would take longer than a week for you if they could help you. Most rebate printing companies take roughly 10 days before even sending it out. They send it out by the slowest mailing method possible. You are looking about 2 weeks in reality

Enthusiast - Level 3

I think that people need to start filing complaints with your states Attorney General's office, as well as the BBB. This is turning out to be a scam for many people. Someone posted earlier that we may not be able to join a class action lawsuit. That right was taken away from consumers several years ago and since then there have been several senators who've introduced bills into congress attempting to get that right back for consumers only for the bill to die before it can be passed. I think the best recourse is to save all of your correspondence, EVERYTHING, all documentation and take Verizon to small claims court. From reading around the internet it sounds like there are hundreds of people who've been scammed by Verizon on the rebate for one issue or another. If everyone takes them to small claims court and sues them Verizon will be in court everyday, all day for a long time. It is the only recourse to force them to pay unless the states Attorney General's decide to get involved and sue Verizon. It is also not hard to sue them in small claims and generally costs less than $100 to file.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I finally filed a complaint with the BBB and within 2 days the issue was

resolved to my satisfaction. I got a call from a representative in the

Executive Office. The rebate center refused to issue the rebate because

the filing deadline had not been met but because i had been misled by their

salesperson, Verizon decided to honor their BOGO offer and credited my

account for the price of one phone.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Jacaronda, Congrats to you!  ๐Ÿ™‚  After much going back and forth with them I have been told that my rebate will also be honored. A card is suppose to be on it's way to me as of about a week ago. Will let you guys know if I receive it.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I have an update for you all. After much going back and forth with the rebate center and being turned down 3 times of my rebate, about 3 weeks ago I finally threatened to sue Verizon in small claims court as well as file a complaint with my states attorney general. The person from the rebate center whom I was speaking with kept telling me that there was nothing he could do and because I didn't file for the rebate within the 30 days I was out of luck and that was that. So I asked to talk to someone in upper management. To my surprise they said okay and connected me to someone. This person seemed very understanding after I explained my situation of not finding out about the rebate until after the 30 day window was up, and that I was never notified during my purchase of it or when my phones were delivered. I had told them that I've been a customer of Verizon for well over 15 years, I've spent a lot of money with them, and that I was a happy customer until this problem. I said I really didn't want to go to another company but if they didn't honor the rebate I would leave and also as I told the other person, sue Verizon in small claims as well as file a complaint with my Atty. Gen. I told him that it was not right that I was never notified of the rebate when I purchased my phones nor notified when the phones came and I felt that the right thing for Verizon to do was to honor their word and honor the rebate. To my surprise he agreed with me. He said that he would send it higher up. He said that he was making notes of everything I told him and would make sure that they were passed onto higher management. He also said that it could take up to 60 days to receive a decision, but he doubted that it would take that long, he just wanted to prepare me of the possible time frame. He seemed like a really nice guy. I hated to make threats, that's not who I am. I am a loyal person and I am also not a sue happy person but life has kicked me in the rear too many times and I've just had enough of getting ripped off. Within a week and a half I received an email from the rebate center notifying me that my rebate had been approved. That was July 21st. The rebate card came in the mail today. I'm happy now. So I just wanted to say don't give up and keep fighting for your rebate. Be nice too. It always helps to be nice to people.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have had enough of Verizon's games. I am glad you got your rebate. Our stories are similar.

I see class action lawsuit if Verizon doesn't correct this widespread mess. Atty Gen here I come.

My problem described here: Re: Samsung S7 BOGO Scam/Fraud/Lies

Today I was in chat with rebate center. Esther, a verizon rep, said there was nothing she could do and ended the chat. Uhh rude!

Enthusiast - Level 3

I'm sorry you're still having problems trying to get your rebate. All I can say is to keep trying. Tell them that you want to speak to the highest authority person as possible when you "call" the rebate center. I firmly believe that the squeaky wheel gets the oil. If you don't get satisfaction from the rep you are speaking with, hang up and call again so that you'll be connected with a different person. When I called the rebate center the rep I spoke to did the same to me. He told me that there was nothing that he could do and tried to tell me that it was "my fault" for not sending the rebate in within the 30 day time allotment. I said to him, how can that be when I was never even notified of the rebate let alone a 30 day time allotment to file for it? His scripted reply was the same as before. So then I asked to speak with his supervisor and to my surprise he said yes. As explained in my previous post after I went thru it all with the supervisor he agreed with me that it was the right thing to do to give me my rebate. He said that he'd run it up to an even "higher authority" for review and that he had written down everything that I told him and would pass it on. A little over a week later I received the confirmation email that I was getting the rebate. I'm not sure if there can be a class action lawsuit. Someone mentioned on another thread that we gave that right up when we signed the contract with Verizon. But what I do know that you can do for sure is to take them to small claims court and sue them for the rebate. If enough people do that they will be tied up in court all day everyday for a very long time. You need to keep all of your notes and chat conversations. The more thorough you are in court the better for you. I would also file a complaint with your states attorney general. This is a 3rd party handling the rebates for Verizon. I read in another post a person who is a share holder for Verizon was having the same issues. That person apparently was able to get through to some higher ups at Verizon and all of a sudden people started receiving their rebates. So like I said, be the pest from hell and don't let it go. Good luck and keep us advised of what happens.  ๐Ÿ™‚

Enthusiast - Level 3

Keep contacting them. Threaten to sue them in small claims court if they don't honor your rebate. Also tell them that you will file a complaint with your states Attorney General and the BBB. The squeaky wheel gets the oil.


I've had almost the same experience. I bought my S7 on April 7, 2016 and just received the rebate card as of 8/9/16. They gave me the same story regarding proof of purchase, etc.

Now I'm trying to apply that rebate to the "free" device to lower my monthly and there doesn't seem to be a way of doing it. I have to wait until April 7, 2017 when the devices are upgradeable to apply the debit VISA amount. Sounds suspiciously like they're trying to window dress their cash flow.

Add me to the class action suit however Congress changed the rules for class action lawsuits to make it more difficult to qualify.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Hey, no...don't you wait to use that rebate card. You only get 4 months to use it. I saw somewhere in My Verizon where you can apply the rebate. Call Verizon and have them walk you thru it. Do not sit on your rebate card until April 2017 or it will expire. I just got my card and it expires Jan. 2017.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Just an update. Still haven't gotten it approved. If I have to call again it will be my fifth time. On my forth attempt i requested a manager who said and I quote, "expect good news with an email confirmation in about 15 days". Its been about 2 weeks so if it hasn't been done now i doubt 1 extra day will make a difference. This is bad, i mean really bad.

I want to say glad that I'm not the only one going through this maybe Verizon will notice and take action. But its also unfortunate that many people are as frustrated as I am.

Enthusiast - Level 3

So sorry that you are having such a hard time getting your rebate as well. Please read my comment to "grl3" that I just made. It might help you. Don't give up and good luck.  ๐Ÿ™‚


I'm having problems with this rebate too. I was lied to by several people and I will be taking my lines and leaving.