Random screens keep popping up and back button freezing.

I am constantly having random screens open while on another app. Try to open one app or screen and another opens instead.

Back button freezes and has to be hit several times.

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5 Replies
Customer Service Rep

I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble with the pop-up screens and your back button freezing on your device, PAINTANSWERMAN. It's important that your device is working as much as possible without these problems. Let me assist you with finding out what's going on and getting it fixed. Did you install or update any new applications? Are the popup screens coming up as you're viewing web pages?

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Sorry for not answering sooner, I was working so I can pay for this crappy


I have told this now to so many people at different times I feel like a

broken record.

. Yes screens change and pop up randomly. I can be sending a text and my

U.S.Bank or some other app opens up.

I was on Facebook and the Weather Channel app popped up. Hit the back while

on my calendar page and it freezes up having to tap it several times.

There is s screen protector on it , the one recommended for that phone.

Same as the case. Store staff installed the screen saver. I can also be in

the middle of something and if you don't hold the phone just right that

annoying Bixby opens up. Bad place to put the button for it. I tried to

shut it off as instructed but could find no such toggle to turn it off.

The only updates performed are the one done automatically through the play

store and the security update a couple days ago from Verizon.

i am off tomorrow and seriously tempted to take it to the store hand it to

them and tell them to call me when it is fixed or remove it from my account

and give me something that actually works.

Rich [removed]

Personal information removed as required by Verizon Wireless Terms of Serviceโ€‹

Contributor - Level 2

We understand you are frustrated, but there is no need to be rude to someone that is trying to help you. I really hope you are nicer to the people that are in the store when you go there, as they will also be trying to help you.

When my phone goes wonky, there are a few things I try before taking it in for help:

1. Turn it off, wait 60 seconds, turn it back on.

2. If my pop-ups are weird apps, maybe I should uninstall them

3. If my pop-ups are ads, then I definitely have an app on my phone with malware. This requires uninstalling the most recent apps I've downloaded.

Of course, your phone could be bad and you could need a warranty replacement. A factory reset would be the last step to resolve these problems before seeing about a warranty replacement.

You should email Samsung regarding the Bixby button location, that doesn't have anything to do with Verizon!


I have tried so many suggestions it isn't funny. Taking phone to the store

later this afternoon and leaving it there for them to play with. Tired of

wasting my time.

Customer Service Rep

PAINTANSWERMAN, we see that you were planning a trip to the store to get this resolved. If you have been unable to visit, we are still here to assist. Typically, these pop ups would all be related. Do you see anything in common with the messages that might alert us to where they are coming from or which application may be causing this?


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