Removing bloatware
Enthusiast - Level 3

Why is bloatware installed on devices when there is no subsidized or "upgrade pricing" available anymore? If we have to pay  installments or outright for a new phone, any pre-installed verizon apps, games or any other apps should be user removable. Yes, I know I can disable it, but what if I have no use at all for those apps Ives disabled?  I shouldn't have to root my phone just to be able to remove bloatware.

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Community Leader
Community Leader

You could have purchased a device where the pre-installed software is removable.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 1

True but maybe he liked that particular phone. The point is, is why can't this [Removed] be removed?  Not search for a phone that's a million miles away and hope that it had removable bloatware. I for one wished they could be removed because I'm a prepaid customer and I can't use half the [Removed] that verizon has on my phone so if I can't use it why can't I delete it and have the space for something other app that I can use without having to root my phone.

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I tried that and then they made excuses about international roaming in Canada with a compatible device.

Enthusiast - Level 2

You can "disable" bloat ware apps.

Go to settings, Applications, then Application Manager...

scroll down to the app you want to "disable" and click on it...

then choose "storage" and clear cache and data.

Now click back button (on top left)

Now you can disable app

(Uninstall update if needed) then "disable.

Note: some app you are not able to "disable".. this is for your protection... they are necessary system apps.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Didn't you see that he said he knew he could disable the crapware. The pointment is not to be be able to disable it, it's why can't it be "REMOVED"  NOT DISABLED!! all it does is take up precious space on people's phone that half of which can't  or don't use anyway. Like me!

Specialist - Level 3

I agree with Ann154.  If you don't like the bloatware, you should have gotten a phone from which it could be removed.


This falls under rooting or jail breaking, which we can mention only, not discuss further.  Manufacturers are sold app packages and carriers choose useful apps to have preinstalled on their branded phones.  These apps are prevented from being uninstalled as the boot loaders are locked and signed on most new phones, by the manufacturer. 

    Even if you could uninstall and app, the cache partition for the user will not change, so it's not like you can make more room on the phone for your stuff.  Kind of like buying a house but one room is locked and you can't put your stuff in it, even if it's empty.

   If you don't like it, don't buy phones with preinstalled software.  This means unlocked, non carrier and for the most part GSM only phones.  The cloud storage based Nextbit Robin, Nexus phones and other carrier free devices come to mind that welcome user chosen software. 

Master - Level 1

The main culprit for putting bloatware at least on the S7 & S7 edge is DT Ignite. If you go into settings-application manager- then 3dots right hand side and show system apps it will show up. I know when I first got this phone and it did an update it put a bunch of games and other stuff on my phone.The good news is you can disable this app and most of the apps it installed. I hope someday carriers will let us decide what we want and don't want on a phone. I understand that there are some apps that have to be in there but there is a lot that are just taking up space and most are just another way of tracking what you are doing on the phone.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I know this thread is dead but I just want to point out how stupid I think everybody who is saying don't buy a phone that can't have bloatware removed is. For one, that sounds a lot like, "if you don't want to be raped, watch what you wear, do, and say". Secondly, you know how far and few those phones are? I have Verizon, I have to use Verizon phones for the most part. I can't switch off of Verizon because they're the only one with decent coverage in my area. Thirdly, maybe it should just be illegal for these fuckwits at Verizon to install shit on a phone that you pay good money for. If it's my phone and I own it, why are you putting your shit on it, especially when I never asked you to? That just doesn't make sense and seems like an invasion of privacy to be completely honest. Rant over


Creimers wrote:

I know this thread is dead but I just want to point out how stupid I think everybody who is saying don't buy a phone that can't have bloatware removed is. For one, that sounds a lot like, "if you don't want to be raped, watch what you wear, do, and say".

Sounds nothing like that. If you purchase a phone with bloatware, you WILL have a phone with bloatware. Not everyone who "wears, does or says" something which MAY attract the attention of a CRIMINAL will be raped. This is NOTHING like that and is an insult to those who are the victims of a violent crime.

Creimers wrote:

Secondly, you know how far and few those phones are?

Pixels and iPhones are the ones which come to mind which have the least amount of bloatware.

Creimers wrote:

I have Verizon, I have to use Verizon phones for the most part. I can't switch off of Verizon because they're the only one with decent coverage in my area. Thirdly, maybe it should just be illegal for these ******** at Verizon to install **** on a phone that you pay good money for.

It is not always Verizon installing the bloatware. Much of the bloatware is installed by the manufacturer.


Also, you get charged for some of the pre-installed bloatware. Verizon preloads it's own map/navigation app and charges $9.99 per month, for it's branded navigation service, VZ Navigator. I have yet to figure out if not using it and/or disabling it stops them from charging for.

Customer Service Rep

We want to make sure you have more details regarding VZ Navigator, crazychic75052. Yes, this may come pre-installed if you purchased the device from Verizon Wireless. Please keep in mind we do not force any of our customers to use this feature. You can choose to enroll in it through the app. Here are more details on the specific application:


