Report Poor Coverage

Enthusiast - Level 1

Why is my coverage so crappy with dropped calls the last few months?  I don't pay all this money for these frustrations!

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8 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Making sure you have the best coverage is our #1 goal momaz_girl. I'm sorry for the dropped calls you've experienced over the past few months. We can check for trouble in your area and provide you with steps to get things back up and running. We want to make sure you get the coverage you pay for so that you're no longer frustrated! What is your zip code? Do you have multiple lines on your account having issues with dropped calls? How is data and text working?



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If my response answered your question please click the "Correct Answer" button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am trying to put a data center in area code 01255.

I need Fiber Lines and a decent 4gLTE connection, not 5g because its going to take chunks out of our DNA.

That is in Massachusettes, between two streams to use for natural cooling.

AT&T is putting a cell tower repeater on a new tower a mile from this location.  Verizon has chosen to opt out.

I have been a Verizon Customer since I got my first phone 20 years ago. 

Since we broke up the Phone monopoly back in the day, we have had to pay for AT&T and Verizon putting up multiple devices on a tower, instead of simply sharing and extending a complete network.

They choose to fight over the highest paying areas, rather than help americans be connected wherever they go.

When will the Government step in and regulate?  I am going to die out here with no cell coverage unable to call for help while AT&T and Verizon keep making money.  They care more about money than sharing to better the american people- who made them so rich!  Not the people who work for them, the elite levels of course making it worse.

Be greedy, take our money, but make sure you at least do us justice.  This is purely hatred from the elite making the backdoor deals and the politicians who support it.  I will be going to every major media outlet not owned by the big 6 media corporations to report a case on how little your companies care.

To the person reading this, I know it is just a job for you, but may I suggest working somewhere that does not poison the common american.  Similar to oil companies, we need to move away from this type of behavior and get independence from these corporations making decisions based on money.  This is a public service, not a private corporation.  Only people like you can choose to support a company that does good, and sacrifice your own greed.  It may end up making you more in the end, and it certainly has a much higher morality pay, as you put your head on the pillow at night.

Best regards,


Customer Service Rep



Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about the issues you're experiencing with your service. I know how I depend on my phone for just about everything. I'm more than happy to take a deeper look into this to see if we can pinpoint what's going on, this way it can be resolved quickly. We do show that our towers in your area seem to be working as expected with no alarms. Although the towers are functioning properly, that doesn't mean that issues don't exist. Your ability to receive optimal signal will be based on your distance from the cell site, if the site has a clear line of sight to your location that would allow the Radio Frequency (RF) signal to penetrate into your area, terrain and tree foliage (heavier foliage does obstruct RF signal), new construction in the area among other environmental factors. Can you please provide a more descriptive account of the issues you are having so that we can better assist you.



Enthusiast - Level 1

the entire zip code of 32124 has terrible service. There is barely one to two bars.  In the middle of a highly populated area. This is is ridculous

Customer Service Rep

We are concerned to hear that you are having issues with the service in your area. We will be happy to look into this for you. We want to run a speed test with your device to see what exact speeds you are getting at the moment. When you have a chance, please click on the following link, and select Run Speed Test. Then please share your results with us to further troubleshoot the issue with your service. We will be standing by waiting for your results: DavidR_VZW


depends on what part of az you live in & position from cell towers.


01007 No coverage


Customer Service Rep

We would never want to see you frustrated rhodgen and always want to ensure your service is working the way it should. I was not able to locate any alerts for issues in your area. Is the issue only indoors or are you having trouble outside as well? Were there any changes to your device around the time the issue began?
