S4 Update yesterday

I have a problem after the S4 update. When my hotspot is in use I will now get system messages about the hotspot can't be used when  WIFI is available. A Menu pops up with 2 selections, disconnect the hotspot or the WIFI. My wifi was disconnected and when I chose to disconnect it nothing happened. I had to choose disconnect hotspot. I was doing 35 mph in a rural area, this wont work. Secondly when I entered a 3G area it was quick to disconnect and incomming call with the same message. I understand 3G does not handle both data and calls at the same time. Normally it would have dropped the data and allowed the call except I was passing through a town with several wifi business's. In my old version I was fairly certain I had the option to NEVER switch to wifi. I have grandchildren that play their games ect. My wife uses her laptop when we travel.

Please how do I fix this.

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The wifi might have been disconnected, but the wifi radio was still turned on.  It needs to be turned off for the hotspot to function.

The radio configuration doesn't support voice and data at the same time on the 3G network.  There have been a few phones that do support voice and data on the 3G network, but the Galaxy S4 is not one of them.

I wasn't sure myself that the S4 didn't handle voice and data on the 3G network until a few weeks ago.  I happened to be on a call in a 3G network and noticed the 3G symbol disappeared during the call.  It came back shortly after the call ended.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.