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Ok here goes.
I started with the HTC Droid Incredible after a year it started acting up freezing, shutting down on it's own etc etc. I then upgraded and brought the Droid Incredible 2 renewed my contract ( 2 more years ) and still paid $200 with a mail it rebate ( which got declined because I brought the phone and had one day to mail it to them even with the sales manager's note on the paperwork I sent in ) so after 7 months the phone I did the software update- the phone started dropping called, wouldn't let me connect to the internet, died randomly even with a new battery and would get over 101 degrees ( which tech support saw because they used remote log in to mess with the phone ).
I went back to the store they wouldn't do any but upgrade my phone again BUT this time they used the free upgrade that was on my son's phone ( I have 3 phones on my account and that was the only one with a free upgrade ) I once again had to buy a new phone this time it was the Samsung Galaxy S3 and once again I had to pay $200 and got a $50 mail in rebate. So, Now 8 months later - today exactly- my galaxy down loaded this new update and the battery drains ridiculously example - I turned the phone on it was at 87% I swiped to unlock it and the battery drained to 57%.......... I text a friend and again the battery drained but this time down to 23%. I put the phone back on charger at 23% leave it alone for 47 mins and checked on it to see the battery actually drained down to 18% while CHARGING!!!!! so forced stopped a lot of useless crap and turned off even more useless crap didn't help. I did a factory (HARD) reset, hoping it would go back to the off version or at least see if it was apps draining my battery.
I will be taking the phone to the Verizon store in the morning, I will not be doing yet another upgrade to re new my contract, I do have insurance on the phone however, I am not going to paid the $100 brand new phone when the past two times I've done this I have gotten screwed over. I have been a loyal customer for over 8 years now my bill every month isn't cheap roughly $200 a month for 3 phones. ( I know I can do WAY better with a different company ) It seems to me that Verizon makes a LOT of money on this people this happens to. I think Verizon selling phones that seem to have update issues is very bad for their business. This problem needs to be resolved.
In their statement posted on the Verizon site - According to the statement dated 18 November 2013 at 15:37
Samsung has temporarily suspended the upgrade service and the Android 4.3 update (I9300XXUGMG9) has been pulled from FOTA and Samsung KIES. So you won’t be able to update your Galaxy S3 to Android 4.3 at the moment.
IF this was actually pulled from the FOTA how was my phone able to download it today Jan 13, 2014 and how did it install? Where is Verizon in this mess? Since Samsung's statement why hasn't Verizon made sure this wasn't pushed to their loyal customers? Why is Verizon pushing Faulty updates?
If you can answer this questions that would be fantastic. I am loading this messing along with videos of my issues to my blog and facebook page ( in case someone on this site removes this or ignores my questions 😉 ) so that these issues and the questions I have asked do not get brushed to the side. I am also added a video displaying all of these issues.
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yes, unless you pay full retail.
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Upgrading is exciting mattyshore. I also know the importance of knowing your data plan options. I would like to clarify your unlimited data concerns. If you currently have an unlimited data plan and upgrade, you would be required to change to our new data pricing. To view our current plans, click http://bit.ly/xdDajD
The only way to keep your grandfathered unlimited data is by purchasing a new phone at full retail or through a third party. I understand it can be pricey to pay full retail for a new phone, so we also offer a device payment plan to help. For more info click, http://vz.to/ZILXBT
Thank You,
VZW Support
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Don't fall for that - Verizon will throttle your data if you go pass a
certain amount on their old unlimited plans now.
On Feb 4, 2014 8:36 AM, "Verizon Wireless Customer Support" <
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Paying full retail might be expensive but if it keeps me with unlimited data then I would do it. My problem is the fact I updated late in January and I have problems with the phone since the update. I spoke with Samsung who denies any problems. I have to cycle through 3 chargers since the phone is fickle since the update. I have super excessive battery drain and it says the screen is using all the battery. I have the brightness turned down all the way and it is brighter than before the update. This is a big reason for battery drain. The Android operating system and Goggle Apps are also draining the batter a heck of a lot faster than before the update. Doing a hard reset does nothing and does not help at all but waste time and cause frustration. Since Verzion has been trying to calm everyone down and you seem to be fully aware of the major issues will you release a fix for this or am I stuck with a phone that only lasts 2 hours? I know for a fact it is not my battery it is from the update and you people at Verizon and Samsung seem to think refusing to fix problems that are a direct result of Samsung and Verizon releasing something that was not screened. So when do you plan on fixing this? I have been with Verizon wireless since the very beginning and used to sell Verizon phones before you even had major store fronts. Don't you value a long term customer who has brought in even more customers? Usually Verzion is good at helping me and fixing problems with my phone, but you are losing me as a customer by having a bad update and no fix for a couple of months now. I am trying to remain calm and level headed but getting a scripted answer only makes me and others more enraged by the lack of quality service. It is totally fine to admit you and Samsung screwed up and to send a fix, but denying it all and claiming there are no problems is bogus. So when is the fix coming or should I join another carrier? I don't want to leave Verizon but I will if you all refuse to do what is right morally.
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Verizon now throttles legacy unlimited customers after 2GB.
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If you trust Verizon to tell the truth- which I don't anymore- then OK.
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Matty, no they don't value you nor did they value me. I left Verizon last
week for T-Mobile. I didn't want to yet I felt I HAD to because Verizon
treated me so poorly in all aspects (online help, physical stores, tech
support). Verizon has become this huge, by the numbers behemoth that IMHO
has forgotten that the customer's needs should always be first and
foremost. So far, I am loving my T-Mobile coverage, unlimited data, lower
monthly bill and my new, non-4.3 updated S4.
On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 4:32 PM, Verizon Wireless Community <
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In four months my contract ends and I will give up my unlimited data and follow you and many of my friends to TMO. CHEAPER. and adequate service in my area..
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T-Mobile has unlimited data... you don't have to give it up and why wait 4
months? T-Mobile will pay for early termination fees. I did it last
Sunday (left Verizon for T-Mobile). I had a limited 2GB plan with Verizon.
I took an unlimited plan with T-Mobile that was only $10/monthly MORE than
my limited 2GB plan with Verizon. I am very happy so far with T-Mobile.
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Well, this post has seriously taking off. With over 17488 views I'm very impressed with this post still being up. I did posted it on my blog and facebook. Back to the topic at hand. Verizon support as answered and/or helped people that have commented here on my post, I'm shocked that no one from Verizon has mentioned anything to me as I am the one that posted this topic. I've been sitting here reading Verizon answer HotBacon and everyone else but why haven't I got a response? Clearly, there is a huge issue and the fact that Verizon doesn't even acknowledge the problem makes me question my loyalty to Verizon. 8 to 9 years with the same company is a huge commitment on my part. Heck, on anyone's part for that matter. Most people's relationships do not last that long. It saddens me greatly to know that the people I recommend and actually got to switch to Verizon will probably have to deal with these same issues
Very disappointing
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Same spot as you . My contract is up in a few more months and I will move elsewhere. I have unlimited data grandfathered in so they will be glad to see me go. Since the newest update on the Galaxy S3 phone is unable to connect wifi. Thank god I have unlimited data. TMO here I come. BTW three months into owning this phone it overheated and stopped working. Verizon tried to accuse me of getting it wet. After showing the endless complaints and reports worldwide on google of the same issues they replaced my NEW phone with a refurbished one. After only three months on the American market and they had refurbished units available. What a surprise. ..I'M DONE WITH VERIZON AND SAMSUNG.
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Why wait when T-Mobile makes it so painless to leave Verizon? I did it in
less than an hour - true unlimited data feels so good and I'm pleased with
their coverage.
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Yeah, Matty. You should use the upgrade. Verizon would love you if you did. They would show their love for you by charging you more and capping your data! HAHA. I'm on an old unlimited plan and I use more than the top plan allows for so I have bought cash my last two Phones, Thunderbolt and Galaxy S III, and will continue to do so until Verizon forces me to change to another plan. Then I'll leave them after 10 years since they will have shown me all the respect I need to see. Corporations have no soul. They are there to keep the stockholders happy. If that means cutting something or making the deal sweeter for then, please don't think that your unhappiness matters. I worked for a bank and they would jack up the interest earned on an interest bearing checking, get a bunch of customers new money in, get them a ton of different services and accounts set-up (money market, debit card, direct deposit, etc) then drop the rate to next to nothing. Some people would leave, but most stay because it's a lot of work to change all that stuff over again. Like I said, no soul
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I wish to add my name to the list of people disappointed with Verizon over this issue and their lack of response. Since my phone was updated on Jan 18 I have experienced many of the problems mentioned above and many others too numerous to mention. I've researched the issue on many sites and have found no clear solution. I'm extremely upset at Verizon's lack of response and unconcern about this issue. I will try some of the fixes mention in this forum and hope the I find something that works. I think the time has come to part ways with Verizon at the end of this contract.
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Add me to the list of unhappy customers. The 4.3 update to my Gallaxy III has resulted in unstable WiFi, inability to remain connected to the internet for more than a few seconds, and SEVERE battery drain. I do not have time to deal with these problems and feel compelled to look at other service providers.
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Keep in mind, this is not Verizon specific. It is affecting Samsung phones on other carriers as well. We do need a resolution sooner than later. I've been dealing with serious battery drain for over a month. Yet...I still pay my bill in full. How is that fair?
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yep me too!
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Well this is disappointing isn't it. I'm not going to toss blame. I'm not going to demand anything. Just listing my issues and hope that some fix, or even 4.2 is pushed out to all those who received this update. I do see the value in 4.3 and was excited to see it arrive. But I'll gladly go back at this point.
Wifi connectivity drops occasionally in the house and I assure you it's not this end.
Any and all notifications trigger the flash. (which is annoying when you're driving home at night).
Bluetooth devices dropping after 1-2 minutres of use.
- Jabra Talk
- Motorola H700
And that's it. The BT dropping is incredibly inconvenient in my particular situation.
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We have 2 Verizon Galaxy S3 phones. We had not seen the warnings and updated them 2 weeks ago. We have had abysmal battery drain since then but no other problems. I've been reading threads on this site and others since the update. There has never been a definitive solution posted for the problem so we did nothing. My wife's phone battery would discharge in <8 hours with minimal use. Mine was a little better. On a couple of threads I saw screenshots of phone battery usage statistics. When at the battery-draining worst, my wife's Android OS percentage was 61% and mine was 53%.
Over the last 48 hours, the problem seems to have improved. I have changed nothing on either phone and can claim no credit. My current battery stats look like this:
My wife's usage stats show Android OS is 12%.
Where should those usage percentages optimally be?
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Our Galaxy S3 battery loss has worsened again.
This stinks.