Samsung Galaxy S4, Android 5.0.1 will not update

My Samsung Galaxy S4 still works great on Android 5.0.1, but now I want to play Words With Friends Classic, which requires Android 6.0 or higher. When I try to use System updates, it says my last update was in January 2017. Check for new updates results in "Software update is temporarily unavailable. Try again later."  How many months is it going to be unavailable?  Something is wrong here.

Is it possible to update my version of Android to 6.0 or higher?  Or do I have to purchase a new phone to get Android 6.0 or higher?

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3 Replies
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The last update was January 13, 2017:  Galaxy S4 Software Update

Due to the age of the phone, it won't be receiving further updates. 


Master - Level 1

Of course, it won't update it's on the old phone. At best phones get maybe 2 years of OS updates. It came out 6 years ago. does it support HD calling?

This Samsung is as close to your S4 as your going to get.

Specialist - Level 3

My S7 is still on Marshmellow.  Other than excessive battery useage, it's working well.  I haven't gone to a later model because of the pain involved in setting up a new phone, and, about as important, paying nearly $1000 a new one.