Samsung Galaxy S4 & Email Revisited
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Revisiting this old topic.

Ever since the end of February 2018, I have been unable to re-add my Email to the stock Samsung Email app on my Galaxy S4.

Using all default settings results in the unable to connect securely to the server error message.

This topic has been discussed in some depth here in the Verizon Wireless forums, Verizon Core (Ma Bell) and other sites.

I have been trying just about every change spelled out in all of the various discussions, but, nothing works.

Has Verizon Wireless, Verizon Core, Samsung and Oath been able to make any headway on this issue, or, has it been written off due to it only affecting older Samsung devices?

I have no problems adding the account to my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and my Windows 10 devices.

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5 Replies
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Just for clarification, are you entering the settings manually or using the automatic setup?

I understand wanting to use the stock email application, but have you tried to see if it works with another email application?

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

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Hi Ann!

I'm trying both auto and manual settings entry. Can't seem to get it to cooperate. I was hoping to add the account to Outlook, but, Outlook doesn't support POP3 accounts.

I reset my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge this evening to try to resolve my Square Home 2 trouble and the Verizon account added without any problems.

Just mind boggling to say the least.

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Have you considered syncing it with your Gmail account? Then you can access the mail from the Gmail application.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

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It may all boil down to that. I'd still like to uncover the reason(s) why the S4 can't seem to sync with the server(s).

Customer Service Rep

Being able to setup your email address on your Samsung Galaxy S4 is very important, dexman.  I do recommend trying the recommendation that Ann154 has suggested as the Gmail app now supports other e-mail account types.  Here is a support link that may also help:




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