Samsung Galaxy S5 frozen on red Verizon screen when turning on.

My Samsung Galaxy S5 freezes on the red Verizon screen when trying to turn on my phone. How do I fix this?

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12 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Matols49, getting your phone up and running is a must. We are here to help. Did anything change on the phone since the problem started? Any damage to the device? Are you using a functioning charger/cable in a known working outlet?


Please remove and reinsert your battery. To ensure the device isn't experiencing this issue due to a lack of power, place the device into a charging state for at least 15-20 minutes. Once completed, attempt to power on the device by pressing and holding the power button for a minimum of 5-10 seconds.



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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have tried everything in troubleshooting and also just finished Factory Reset.  I recently had to do a FR for the first time since 2014, my Message+ would not send nor receive and other texting apps would only send.  So.. it worked beautifully after the reset, in fact felt like a new phone.  Then this morning, I had it charging in an outlet, it was HOT and stuck on the screen of death.  I was finally able to go into the blue and I wiped the cache, then did FR.  Still rebooting to the Verizon Red screen and becoming hot if I let it stay there.  I have had to remove the battery every time to turn it off.

This is obviously out of warranty.  If I take it to a Verizon store will they be able to help me for free?  Are there any other steps I can take before I go there.  I'm a DIY kind of person, but am also open to others helping me when I can't.  Thank you in advance.

Master - Level 1

Could be your battery is failing, as they are only good for a number of charges. See if a new battery will work out the problem.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I'll head on over to the V store and see if that works, thank you!  I hope it's something simple like that.  I'll let ya know.


Customer Service Rep

We greatly appreciate the details of what is happening with the device, Yvonne_M. Completing a Factory Reset is a good step to take when troubleshooting, so we're sorry to hear you are still having issues. Since you have already completed it, we would suggest using our Software Upgrade Assistant. Take a look here for more information: If you find that you no longer can use the device, I would suggest looking into our other device options for a newer phone. We have deals going on and great prices for certified pre-owned phones. Check that here: EricaG_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 2

The tech, I mean representative at Verizon (she said they don't have techs) didn't give me much time.  When she heard me say it was stuck at the Verizon red screen, she offered an upgrade.  I asked about Flashing, she said no one has done that in 10 years.  I dunno, she seemed to know her stuff and told me it will never work again and walked away.  I'm not one to just buy a phone, I have to research.  Might even consider a different brand.  Thank goodness I have texting on my desktop through Verizon.  Still really bummed there's nothing I can do with my S5, she rocked!

Customer Service Rep

We want you to have a working device so you can stay connected, Yvonne_M. Just to ensure we are on the same page, has the software been modified? Any liquid or physical damage to the device? How hot is the device getting? For example, slightly warm but still able to be held or too hot to hold? Looking forward to your response.


Enthusiast - Level 2

I was on FB Messenger with a tech last night for an hour.  He gave me a Corporate Verizon to take it to.  To answer your questions, my phone is in pristine condition and never been damaged.  It's been in an Otterbox.  The old battery was HOT, not 3rd degree burns but hot.  The new one that I installed last night gets hot because the phone is stuck on the red screen which I immediately removed as to not cause further damage.  We've done several things.  Won't go into Safe Mode either.


i have an s5 that i bought new in the fall of 2014, still use on wi-fi but some apps are unusable.

perhaps it's time for you to get another phone!!

Enthusiast - Level 2

I just ordered a new battery on Amazon that they put their stamp of approval on, for $15.99 and I'll have it tomorrow.  I'm going with this option first.  Can't afford a new phone and I like to use things until they no longer let me.  LOL

Enthusiast - Level 2

Battery didn't fix it ๐Ÿ˜ž


Enthusiast - Level 2

I've been chatting with a Tech on FB Messenger.