Samsung J3 issues


My wife and I purchased new Samsung J3 phones 20 months ago and the two phones could not be more different. Hers has been perfect and cooperative, though operates differently even though set up the same at the same time, same place and same tech individual. Hers is so different I avoid using it.

My silence button is worn away due to the effort needed to push it! It notifies when it feels like it and the notification numbers have stopped showing altogether. In addition, the alarm has stopped sounding even though it shows on screen. I've had numerous calls and texts where the phone never rang or vibrated even though it indicates they are turned on in settings.

I'm still being charged $7.50 a month for this junker. I admit to not being the most tech savvy and am a senior done learning. Turning off and on sometimes helps a little but does not last long. 

In Florida till April and dreading three months or so more of this frustration, any thoughts?

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1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Good morning, DANHAR12. I'm sorry to learn of the troubles you are experiencing with your phone. I know how important it is to have a good working phone at all times. I'm glad your wife's phone is working well. Let's see if we can get yours to work the same way. 


How long has your phone been giving you these troubles? Has it been dropped or wet at all, even slightly? Does it have a case on it? Please elaborate to better assist you. 

