Samsung S22 plus voicemail notification not working
Enthusiast - Level 1

Phone not showing a voicemail has been left.  I have notifications enabled.

5 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello! We definitely understand the importance of receiving your Voicemail notifications. We are here to help, and want to do everything we can to get this resolved for you. When did you first start to experience this issue? *Bryan

Enthusiast - Level 1

The problem began as intermittent, sometime after I bought the S22+ last summer. Sometimes it just took hours for the icon to show up and sometimes it never did. I also sometimes didn't get the badge count showing that I had a missed call. I've checked my notification settings and they are set to receive notifications. This week my daughter told me that she had left a message for me hours ago. I never got a notification of the voice mail. When I went into the Voice Mail app, I had 4 voice mails which ranged from that morning back to Jan 19. Two from my daughter, one from my pharmacy, and one from my doctor.

I don't know what else to do because my notifications appear to be correct.
Judy Logan

Customer Service Rep

jilogan2003, thank you for sharing those details, which will help us work toward a resolution. It's important to get the Voicemail notifications right away to ensure that nothing is missed. We would like to gather more details and proceed from there. Does this problem seem to happen when the phone is used in a certain location? Please use the steps on the following web page to reset the app. Then does the issue persist? 


Enthusiast - Level 1

Currently I don't get voice mail notifications whether in my home or in a large parking lot at the local shopping center. Sometimes I get a badge counter for a missed call but no notification of a voice mail either for hours or at all.  I will follow the instructions in your message and get back to you. Thanks.

Customer Service Rep

You are very welcome. Thank you for that update, jilogan2003. 


Keep us posted on how it worked out for you, in order to make sure that you are taken care of. *Emina