Schedule Message in Message +

Is Schedule Message broken or gone?  I can't find it anymore.  I use to be able to hold the arrow keep after typing a message and the clock would appear and give me the option to schedule.

I have a Samsung S8 and everything is up to date on it.

I am very said that I can't do this anymore.  I found it extremely helpful for both work and personal life

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3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Thank you for bringing this concern to us, SequinGirl! With regard to the Schedule Message option, we definitely want to work to restore functionality. The first thing we'd like to try is to open the Message+ App. Once opened, please tap the Menu icon, and press Activate. After doing so, please check your Message Scheduling, and let us know if this works for you.  MatthewI_VZW


I don't have a menu icon to  open and activate.  Where would I see this?  I have  looked under settings and can't see  anything to activate. When I press the plus in the left hand side, there are no options for
menu or activate.  I am currently on Message + Version 6.9.13

Customer Service Rep



Thank you for the added details regarding what's going on, as well as your software version. I'm a Samsung user (albeit a different device), on the same software version for Verizon Messages. When you go into an existing conversation thread, in the top right-hand corner, you'll see the three dots for the menu. Click on that, and then you'll see a bunch of options. One is New Schedule Message, and another is View Scheduled Messages. Do you see that on your end, or no? 


If the options don't show up the way I mentioned, please Stop the application, shown here ( Then, power the phone off for 1-2 minutes and power it back on. Let me know what changes you see!