Spam texts from gmail
Enthusiast - Level 2

How do I block texts from multiple Gmail addresses?   I'm getting spammed everyday, and the Verizon "blocks" do not work, and do not stay enabled.   I'm getting them all hours of the day and night, and Verizon has been ABSOLUTELY no help at all in helping me to resolve the issue... other than suggesting I change my phone number.   

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19 Replies
Specialist - Level 2

Number 5 here the blocks page, is that not working?

Enthusiast - Level 1

my wife and I are having the same problem.

i have tried to use the block feature (the box that says block all text from email)

but apparently it dosent actually do anything.

im so over this im about ready to switch to AT&t and put up with their cruddy service just to stop this  

Customer Service Rep



We value you as a customer, and we don't want to see you walk away! I know how frustrating it can be to receive unwanted texts, and I want to help. You can use the free block page on My Verizon to block up to 15 email addresses. Click here for more details:  I hope this helps reduce the spam you are receiving! 




Enthusiast - Level 2

MichelleH at vzw customer support, this blocking feature does not work. I wish Verizon would listen to its customers. Read through the threads on this site. 

Customer Service Rep



I hear what you are saying regarding the blocking feature not working. I want to help resolve this, so that you are able to manage your messages. Having additional information will help us, as we work to figure out what may be causing this. Please share more details about how often you are receiving the messages, if they are coming from one email or multiple email addresses, and any other information that may be helpful, so we can work with you to get this resolved. 


Thank you, 


Enthusiast - Level 2

The text are sent from a different gmail email account each time. Sometimes they are coming every week or two and lately it has been daily and different hours of the day.  I have tried adding Smart Family and that has not helped. The short code of 6247 can’t be blocked either. 

Customer Service Rep

Another option available is to change your mobile number. If you would like to go this route, the steps are here: . - BrittanyC_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 1

Why do we as customers have to change our phone numbers to stop gmail spam?  Many of us use these numbers for business.  So we would have to change our number for cards, websites, e-mails, AND contact customers (hundreds to thousands) to please change our cell number in their system?  That's really not a smart solution to this problem from the customer side.

Customer Service Rep

realtorjohn2, I understand how getting unwanted calls can be a nuisance to our customers.  The has excellent information and consumer tips to stop unwanted robocalls in order to avoid being scammed.  


For more information, you may review this link: 


This link also covers text options too. 




Specialist - Level 2

It's not robo calls its spam in text messaging coming from email addresses.  Fix the block and problem solved. 

Customer Service Rep



We understand these calls and messages are annoying at best, I get them too. You can block all different types of messages including the ones from emails addresses. 



Enthusiast - Level 1

That would be about as useful as plugging a hole in the hoover dam with bubble gum. The spams are happening to multiple customers in the same manner. Receive text message from gmail domain and it's a different address each time. How about just allow us to block messages that originate from the web and originating from email as is indicated on your website.

Customer Service Rep

jarrad78, if the emails are coming into your messages, you can forward any spam or suspicious messages to our security team at 7768 for review. 



Enthusiast - Level 1

I too am having the same problem, and apparently I'm paying $5 a month for a feature that is useless. I suggest we start forwarding every inappropriate message we receive to Verizon's 7726 (SPAM) reporting feature. Apparently there used to be a feature that allowed you to block receiving messages from a domain, but that feature has been taken away. Perhaps if we all pass along this plague, Verizon will bring back this feature. If I have to put it up with it, Verizon will have to put up with it as well.  Screen Shot 2021-05-31 at 9.38.28 AM.png 

Enthusiast - Level 3

Like others I tried the block features others have tried including the block all texts from email accounts that Verizon offers. If you offer it why doesnt it work. The box wont stay checked and saved. What a joke. I think Verizon must support this nonsense as other carriers seem to be able to eliminate it. I dont want to change my number its a pain in the butt. Ive had it for years. Im now forwarding screen shots to Verizon on 7726 and as many of these as I have been getting I hope the whatever team you want to call it gets as sick of getting these as I am the texts from email accounts.

Customer Service Rep

ValcineB, we know the nuisance that SPAM texts can pose. To clarify, you are using the Call Filter Plus services. Did you get a specific error message when attempting to block these messages?



Enthusiast - Level 2

I am also having the same problem and have called tech support receiving no satisfaction. No one seems to be able to explain why the block feature showing on the website does not work. When I put in the "" domain to block I get an error message saying "

"We are unable to block from this device".  

This is the same message I receive for all 4 devices on our plan. I have been a customer for over 18 years. If the only solution is to change my phone number I will be changing phone companies. 

Enthusiast - Level 3

I've been inundated with spam texts --- all with an internet link that appears to be sex / porn related -- -  I have marked each text as spam and blocked. I have adjusted my account settings to "block all text messages sent from email." At times the text messages have arrived 5-6 in a ten minute period. 

Would anyone like to join a class action suit against VZW for allowing these spam porn messages to continue? They could block all internet texts or all from gmail, but they refuse to. You cannot block a single e mail address as each spam message changes to a new gmail account. I am ready to fund a class action suit against VZW for this matter. 

Customer Service Rep



I can understand how frustrating these messages are at best. I get them myself. This is not an error in our network or something in our control. This is an ongoing issue with all carriers. This message comes from computer programs that make them look like phone numbers or email addresses. If you set up the blocks, that is the best we can do. 

