Suspended phone (shows blacklisted when you type in imei)

I bought a phone off a guy at work a couple weeks ago, and now that I wanted to switch to straight talk and not be on his plan (Verizon prepaid) my phone is suspended on the Verizon app and shows blacklisted online.... what do I do I bought this phone fair and square.......

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4 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

Verizon has no way to confirm the phone was purchased if this was done outside their own 2 year agreements. 

Verizon actually has no control on this, your phone had to have been reported to be blacklisted. Owner of the account can claim the phone was stolen and also has the same authority to get the phone off the blacklist.


what you thought was fair & sqaure, i'm betting the phone had been stolen & you bought it for an unbelievably low price.


@Travis1231 wrote:

I bought a phone off a guy at work a couple weeks ago, and now that I wanted to switch to straight talk and not be on his plan (Verizon prepaid) my phone is suspended on the Verizon app and shows blacklisted online.... what do I do I bought this phone fair and square.......

You got ripped off.  The โ€˜guy at workโ€™ either does this all the time, or maybe filed an insurance claim to make a little profit.  This is between you and him, and not the carrier.  Itโ€™s also fraud if you want to file a police report.   But I donโ€™t suppose you have any bill of sale do you 

Master - Level 1

Go back to your work and get your money back. If he waffles tell him you will report it to the police and your boss. Chances are you will get you money back, just to save his job and stay out of jail.