System Update 23
Master - Level 1

Has anyone gotten this new update? I have never noticed that they were numbered like this before.

It says it is a security update. I would have thought by now they would have a patch for all the

phones that did not take to Oreo so well.

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23 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

Be Careful!... If you look closely it actually says Syatem Update 23"... not "System". There are several discussions going on in other forums wondering if Verizon got hacked. Granted ... it just may be a spelling error but most experts warn against installing any computer or phone update that has spelling errors because it is usually an indicator of a non English speaking country trying to trick you into install malware, spyware or a virus. At this time there has been no official word from Verizon on the spelling error. In the meantime techs and geeks alike are warning to hold off installing the update until Verizon acknowledges the update as being valid and corrects the spelling error.

Customer Service Rep

You make a great point, Hating_Phablets. A spelling error can be a warning sign. We take great care to protect our customers and our network from being hacked. Thank you for replying to kathy65793 so quickly. Itโ€™s important to have the most recent software and patches. I always make sure Iโ€™m aware of the proper update before clicking โ€œdownload and install.โ€ To be sure the suggested update is approved by Verizon Wireless, please refer to our software update page



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Enthusiast - Level 2

Hey George_VZW,

You still didn't confirm if "Syatem Update 23" is a hack, of if it's a typo.  Either way, it's embarrassing that Verizon was either hacked or they push out an update with a spelling error.  One more reason to walk away from Verizon.


Customer Service Rep

We can understand your concern KeithLucy and definitely want to make sure we look into this matter for you closer. We would never want to lose you over something like this as it does appear to be a typo error. As listed in the previous link that was sent, the update is spelled correctly as System Update 23. We do apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. What other issues are you having that has you feeling this way about us lately?


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Enthusiast - Level 2

I successfully installed SYSTEM UPDATE 23 with no apparent problems. My guess is that it's a typo.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Just because you installed it and it "appears" to have been successful is no indication that the update was not hacked or dangerous!  FACT: Malware and spyware etc... is installed on devices so it is "not seen" nor evident to the victim. Yes, some viruses are designed to crash your device immediately... but most are designed to install and hide behind the scenes... secretly stealing data, personal information etc. Spyware and viruses are unknowingly installed by users everyday all without the poor user being any the wiser.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Hating_Phabletsโ€‹  ... and people wonder how they get hacked... 

Enthusiast - Level 2


The update is NOT spelled correctly.  See attached.   Does anyone have confirmation yet that this update is a real update and not a hack?  Just because hiflyer5 installed it doesn't mean there isn't an issue.

Keith LucyCapture.PNG

Customer Service Rep

Thanks for getting back to us KeithLucy. We will lift your feedback up to our web page managers. This update is a real update and please reach out if you have any other questions or concerns.


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Enthusiast - Level 2


Might I suggest that you update the software update page (โ€‹ to include an explanation of the spelling mistake?

Enthusiast - Level 1

It is amazing and EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTING that neither Verizon nor Samsung has firmly resolved this issue by now.  The "Syatem Update" is a significant issue. It is spelled wrong and appears to be a hoax/ hack/ virus.  So none of us are installing it, but it is causing major problems.  Either admit you made a spelling mistake, fix it, and re-send the update.  Or tell us that you were hacked, fix it, and send us the revised update that will delete and remove this junk update from our phones.  But right now, as you sit and watch this thread and do nothing, it is forcing us to power off and on our phones every few hours just to avoid having to install the questionable update.  Terrible customer service if you cannot address and resolve this problem... or tell us how to do so.

Customer Service Rep

alvelasquez1010, we understand your concern regarding this. Are you seeing the Software Update in the Settings of your device?

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Enthusiast - Level 2

YIKES! Is anyone at Verizon even reading any of the the comments posted here?

Yes... if you turn on your phone and go into Software Update in phone settings it says a Update is available... BUT... it says Syatem Update 23.   (Spelling Error!!!!)

Our concern.... is this spelling error is it a mistake or a hack? We need someone from Verizon or Samsung to either fix the problem... or go on record and guarantee we can install it safely and Verizon will be responsible for any and all cost associated with this update should it actually turn out to be some sort of spyware.

THINK ABOUT IT! Standard advice provided for "years" by hundreds of internet tech sites from Symantec to Malwarebytes have stated: It's also important to stay smart when you're browsing the Web, using email, applying updates etc... if a website or attachment looks suspicious,trust your instincts. Look for grammar or spelling errors. Keep in mind that your antivirus program may not catch everything, so it's best to avoid downloading anything that might contain malware.

Verizon or Samsung needs to fix this. In the meantime hundreds of us wiser and more cautionary users have to shut down our phones and reboot everyday rather than install this "questionable" update.

NET: Has this question / concern been answered correctly. .. the answer is NO!.

Customer Service Rep

WHaving the latest software update and knowing that is safe to install is very important, and we are here to help. Please tell us, what type of phone do you have?

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Enthusiast - Level 2

"WHaving the latest software update and knowing that is safe to install is very important, and we are here to help. Please tell us, what type of phone do you have?


In the above reply from Verizon there is a typing error (the W in front of the H in Having). It's no big deal. A simple typing error that frequently occurs in emails and text messages. I make them all the time myself. As to Monicas' question.. I have a Samsung Galaxy S7.

But... as to the comment from hiflyer5 "The โ€œaโ€ and โ€œsโ€ are next to each other on the keyboard. In my opinion itโ€™s logical to assume that itโ€™s a typo." I agree I noticed the same thing and it would explain a simple key stroke error... HOWEVER... if the folks at Verizon or Samsung doing the software coding for the next update hit the letter A instead of a S or a 5 instead of a 6 and the keystroke error in coding error causes your phone to brick and permanently lock up I doubt you will be content sitting by saying "Oh well it was a simple typing error, not intentional, no big deal."

It's not a matter of it being a simple typing error... it's a matter of Verizon whose commercials remind us they are the nations leading wireless carrier, taking ownership of the error  and either fixing the misspelling or simply adding a "update message" to the link below... that either acknowledges / apologizes for the error, and state its safe to install. Period. Simple fix.  

Samsung Galaxy S7 Software Update | Verizon Wireless 

Enthusiast - Level 1

I agree with your last paragraph 100% I have yet to install this "suspicious update" as I have found no evidence in any of the Verizon information that clearly states the message dialog had a misspelling.   The majority of the verizon responses seem to be "cookie cut" reminding us the importance of what system updates are for, but fail to address the actual concern.   Verizon, just state very simply that  Syatem update 23 is legitimate and document the misspelling in the software update link or re-push the update that wasn't spell checked by a kindergartner!!!

Master - Level 1

I installed Syatem 23 on my phone yesterday and there have been no problems. It is operating exceptionally well since the Oreo update.

Enthusiast - Level 2

The โ€œaโ€ and โ€œsโ€ are next to each other on the keyboard. In my opinion itโ€™s logical to assume that itโ€™s a typo. Verizon has stated this on this thread. Anyway, mine has been working fine now for a couple of days.

i am in no way criticising those who have decided not to install. If you feel itโ€™s a hack, youโ€™re certainly entitled to your opinion.

Enthusiast - Level 1

UPDATE: I just got off the phone with Verizon Tech support concerning this issue of "Syatem Update 23" for the Galaxy S7. I granted them remote access to my phone to see the update screen.

They have nothing on file for this error, stating only that though UPDATE 23 is a legitimate update, they advised not to install it based on the spelling error.


The update screen came up over a week ago. I deferred it 24 hours each time, until it wouldn't let me anymore. Now it says I must install it and will not let me back out of the screen or decline. I've gotten around this by accessing the SHOW ALL RUNNING/CACHED SERVICES menu in Developer Options, and force stopping the update dialogue box. Though every night while I'm asleep, or whenever I reboot the phone, it will reappear.

My next call is to Samsung to see if I can get anywhere with them. Beyond that, I'll back up my phone and use my upgrade for a non-Samsung phone.

In this day and age, with all of the mass hacks at the corporate level, all the phishing, all the scams, it would be myopic to disregard this as a simple keystroke error. It's not a chatroom, it's not a text message, it is a SECURITY UPDATE! If anything should be 100% accurate and triple check to be sure we, the end user, feel should be in a security update. THis is the one area where there should be ZERO failures.

So to those who dismiss it outright, and think we who don't are too paranoid...I contest that you are too complacent and trusting. This may be a simple mistake, but I'm not taking a chance with all of the personal, financial, and secure information my phone contains.

Customer Service Rep

We take your security seriously Kelone333.I can understand being a little concern when this type of concern happens. What happened when you called Samsung? Are you able to post a picture of what you see when you try to do the update? 



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