Unable to send text messages

I am unable to send any out going messages. I get an error message saying "unable to send message" whenever I try to text.  I am receiving messages, but can not send. Also, this morning I received 5 or 6 text messages all at once and I am pretty sure they were sent to me yesterday. This isn't the first time I have encountered this problem... I appear to have data and signal because I can check my email and browse the web with no problem.  Has anyone else run into this problem? Any advise on how to correct?

Re: Unable to send text messages

I am having the same problem with my Droid 3; I can receive but not send my emails. I have spoken to Verizon (2 1/2 hours yesterday) and reset everything with no luck. Verizon even set up a temp email on a Droid3 from their end with no luck. I have also spoken to Comcast who now have a different out-going port setting (587) than that recommended by Verizon (465). I no longer receive an error stating the email was not sent, but they are still not being received on the other end. Any ideas?