Unresolved Billing error

I apologize up front for the long winded complaint. On 23 October 2020 my wife identified a up charge of approximately $1100 on the Verizon account for unbilled minutes we downloaded and saved the bill to review. The unbilled minutes were mobile to mobile calls which were covered by my plan. We also noticed charged minutes against our plan  that were mobile to mobile, nights or weekend calls. I followed the process and notified the Verizon customer service desk of the issue. (Let me add that the computer support is terrible and there should be a direct link to a person and not a computer assistant) 

Any ways on 23 October we spoke with Customer support rep Linda who pushed the problem up to her Supervisor Zachary (Zack) Linda was understanding of the issue and stated that she could see the minutes that were charged as unbilled and could not understand why the system would bill some mobile to mobile minutes and the others state covered by plan. anyways she froze the account and stated taht zack or she would reach out to give us the final resolution. No calls received.

on 2 November 2020 (Bill due 5 November) i called again asking why the bill still showed an approximate $1100 overage. this time after going through the tedious process of ignoring the computer assistant I was finally sent to a person Ms. Carleese. Ms. Carleese reviewed the notes and stated she would call us back in approximately 2 hrs. No call back.

On 3 November having received no call back and the bill being due soon I called again. went through the computer aided call blocker (sorry, I mean assistant) this time Toni researched the account and told us the supervisor Brittany would call us by Friday November 6th. Toni stated she would place a hold on the account as the bill was due the 5th. She stated we did not need to pay until the issue was resolved. We asked if there was a new system or an up date to their computers billing system and she stated yes. Again great or even average follow through was not achieved. you guessed it no call back.  

On November 7th I called yet again.  Fought my way past the computer aided (GFS) system and reached Jonathon who again reviewed the notes, stated he could not see what was or was not being done and stated that yet again he would also send the notes to his supervisor. He made not that the hold on the account was expiring that day and that he would extend that for us. Want to here something funny? Jonathon stated that he would call me and if he could not get through to me, call my wife about the dispute that day. I laughed as soon as he started to tell that joke as I already knew the punchline.  

As I was not told that the hold would expire and the account would be past due I thank Jonathon for doing this. Yet I must ask why the hold was expiring before the account dispute was resolved. I did offer to pay the normal amount on the account several calls ago and was told to wait until the issue was resolved. At one point I was told my plan was so old they needed to look at the plan to see what is and is not covered (well color me surprised).  I was told that as my plan was so old they would have to go line by line to verify the charges (this took me a few minutes to see the issue).  Ok 3 weeks since first call. What was the result of the line by line research. If i have unbilled Minutes (doubt that is the case) why was i not told during the billing cycle each time that I was over my minutes?

 Now here is the kicker on 9 November we received a text and email from Verizon stating that we had used 75% of our anytime minutes the same text we receive when we get close to our minutes at anytime. The plan cycle ran through 13 November.  We have never gone over our minutes and have always been happy with Verizon. 

During the calls I have asked repeatedly for someone to explain the overage (unbilled minutes) all have stated that they see where the problem was and can identify that the numbers are on the plan. Why is it that I can look at the bill and see the issue, the service reps can look at the bill and see the problem but no one can fix the problem. Why is there no follow through from customer service for call backs? 



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3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

I'm sorry you were having an issue with your bill, Colormesurprised. Let's look into this. Was this for your Verizon Wireless account or landline/Fios? What plan are you on?




Wireless plan. We have the mobile-mobile, nights and weekends with unlimited data plan. 


I  am calling again today to see what the result of the research into the bill was I received a late fee notice and the cost is still 1100.00 over our plan. I don't like this complaint forum so I will look on line for more public ways to complain. Thank you for your time.