When my Galaxy S4 is sleeping, it sometimes will not wake-up by pushing the power button. I have discussed it with Samsung and returned the phone for repair, but it continues. I forced off some apps I was not using. Any suggestions?
Enthusiast - Level 2


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7 Replies
Customer Service Rep


This definitely is an odd issue to have. After review with Samsung, were they able to shed some light as to what may be causing this button to not work as expected? Have you always had issues with this button?

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Enthusiast - Level 2

No,  It was working perfectly from December until mid-October.  The power button works in all other situations.  When this occurs, I need to remove the battery to recover.

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While it doesn't remedy the issue ... you could use the Home button instead of the Power button to wake up the phone.


This happens to me and to my wife on occasion.  In my case it happens most often when playing a game that uses lots of memory and CPU.  If hit the power button to turn off the phone while the game is running, and then try to turn it back on, it doesn't respond.  Sometimes if I wait a few minutes, then it will respond.  Other times I have to hold the power button to reboot the phone.  It seems to be a problem of memory/cpu management, where both are just to busy to respond to the power button in a reasonable amount of time.  What I do notice, though, is when I hit power the first time, the soft buttons light up but the screen stays dark.  Then the next time, they don't light up - turning the screen back "off."  Then the next time, they light up again, next time they don't.  HTH

Enthusiast - Level 2

This may happen 4 times in a single day; then on another day,  like yesterday, it went the entire day with no problem.  When it is in this mode the other keys also have no effect.  Nor does the battery charger.  Also, when in this mode it will not respond to incoming calls.  The screen is black.  It has not given me any trouble crashing while using apps nor  during established calls - only when it is idle for a period of time and it has powered down does it get in this mode.

My current Android version is 4.4.2 and Baseband is I545VRUFNK1 (which was downloaded yesterday). 

Thank you to those who responded.


Enthusiast - Level 2

This has happened to me a few times in the last 2 months. Only fix for me was to pull the battery. The first time the alarm didn't go off in the morning and almost made me late for work.

Enthusiast - Level 2

An update the I545VRUFNK1 update seemed to help stabilize my S4.  However, on Tuesday Samsung downloaded an update.  About an hour later I had an additional crash, but nothing since and it has been 3 days now.  I will be adding apps back one at a time watching for any additional problems.

BTW, just before the last update, I downloaded "WatchDog Lite".  It did not do what I expected, but it was giving me the bits of info that may have helped identify the problem process.