Where is the S8 Update to fix our phones???
Enthusiast - Level 3

When is the update for the S8 coming out to fix the update that just messed up everybody's S8's? It's been over a week! This is unacceptable!!! You need to give everybody effected 2 months of free service! I've been a Verizon customer for 20 years and this is not how you repay your customers after spending $800 on a phone!! I would like to inform people who don't know how it works, Samsung is responsible for hardware (phone) Google does the software updates that always mess up your phones, and Verizon sends the updates out. So for the rep on here that said Samsung is responsible for software and wants to hear about the problem, YOU ARE WRONG! If you're going to reply on here at least know your job and who does what. I called Samsung, they said to factory reset my phone and if that doesn't work send it in for repair. My phone is a month old after getting a new one cause the last update messed up my 1st S8 which was less than a year old. This is unacceptable! I also asked if he could call Google and let them know the updates are messing up the phones and his reply is that they can't call Google. I call BS! If Google is creating the software for your phone you are on the phone with them regularly!! We don't have extra phones lying around to use while we send our new phones in for repair with which that will do nothing because it's a software (Google) issue. I called Google and they said there was probably bugs in the update and so I asked to talk to a manager to try to get a fix expedited or just re send out the old software so our phones work. He refused to let me talk to one and said I need to talk to Samsung and he transferred me without finishing our conversation. He also told me to factory reset my phone. This is not ok, it takes 5-7 hours to redownload and enter passwords and get your phone set back up the way you had it. And then I called Verizon and they said everybody knows about the issue and Google is working on a fix. So it's been a week and still nothing! Verizon needs to give 2 months free service to the S8 owners affected. These billion dollar companies treat us as we are expendable, well if they don't make this right within a couple days, and by right I mean getting an update out to fix ALL the issues created by the update and to compensate us generously I will be leaving after 20 years. That's over $25,000 dollars I have paid them and definitely deserve more reliable service then this. I understand you aren't responsible for the software but you send it out and you can make it to where we the customer have the option to decline it instead of just clicking "not now" then having to do it again several hours later. I am very dissappointed in all 3 of your companies for the way you are handling this situation. You need to have a way to where if an update messes up our phones, then you get 48 hours to fix it or each day after is a free month of service.

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1 Solution
Enthusiast - Level 2

That is a canned, scripted answer if I ever heard one.  Why don't you go to the beginning of this thread and actually READ all the comments posted here before saying something like this........that would be a start.

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38 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

You are right, I'm having the same issues which makes my phone completely unstable and unusable! I have a lot of apps on my phone and I don't want to spend hours doing a factory reset. This update had completely messed up my phone resulting in system UI not responding. I'm going to contact Verizon and Samsung to see how I can progress with it. I'm so fed up with that I might jump ship!

Customer Service Rep


We don't want to see you go. At the same time, we can relate to how important it is to have a working device you can rely. on. Help is here. Let's take a closer look. Describe what is happening. 


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Specialist - Level 3

You're kidding right?  You really don't know what's going on here?  Haven't you read this thread and all the other issues Oreo has caused for S8 users?

Enthusiast - Level 2

That is a canned, scripted answer if I ever heard one.  Why don't you go to the beginning of this thread and actually READ all the comments posted here before saying something like this........that would be a start.

Enthusiast - Level 2

the main issues I'm experiencing is increased battery usage, when surfing or using applications the phone just freezes randomly, then when I'm trying to create or reply to text messages the keyboard freezes. The most irritating item after the update is the call quality, previously it was excellent now people are stating that my voice keeps fading in and out. There has to be a solution to it. I'm going to look at other options perhaps including an iPhone. This phone was flawless prior to this update!

Enthusiast - Level 3

What in the world are you even talking about Verizon?? How in the [removed] do you pop in and reply to a thread and have the nerve to ask what is the problem when there are about 6 comments from people clearly stating what the problem is. It's canned answers like this that show you don't do you job, you don't care about your customers, and you constantly insult us with stupid remarks like this. You tell us to post to your forum because that's how you find out when there are issues then you don't even put the time in to read them. You really have some nerve!!!

Content removed to comply with Verizon Wireless Terms of Service

Enthusiast - Level 3

Sorry to hear Azza, it's terrible! And all three companies act like it's just part of doing business. We don't spend close ton$1000 on a phone for Goggle or anybody else to put out an update that is going to make it not function correctly. I called Samsung and their response is to send your phone into Samsung for repair.  And depending who you get at Verizon, you will get a variety of answers from troubleshooting for 3 hours to coming up to resetting your phone. I was fortunate and funially talked to someone that was aware there was an issue and that Google is aware and working on it. It FATHOMS me that anytime something like this happens, there isn't a warning email sent out to all S8 users saying don't download the update and if you have don't reset your phone. They are clueless and leave us in the dark. They say they can't talk to each other on the phone which is lies. It's about time in this country that big companies start showing some appreciation and customer service and actually try to help out their customers instead of giving the canned response. I point the fingers at the president's of Google, Verizon, and Samsung! You're quality control and customer service suck! Verizion is not as bad I will say good things about them but the other two are unaccountable and they don't really care if there's a fix in a timely manner. I would call and try to get a couple months of free service. The last time this happened I had to get a new phone, and even though it was under warranty they would only send me a certified like new phone which is not ok.i got it and right out of the box it needed the software update and messed that phone up to. It's such a joke. I'm about to go to Cricket and get a flip phone!

Master - Level 1

I too have a samsung phone and one of the things I do before I do any update to my phone is make a full backup with smart switch. I hate to have to do a factory reset all the time when they send out an update and then you can't even use the phone because the update  ( for whatever reason ) messed the phone up completely. At least if I do have to do the factory reset smart switch has all my apps and settings backed up.

When you called Verizon or Samsung did they tell you to clear the cache partition on the phone?

This was the first thing they told me back when my S5 went from lollipop to marshmallow and was more or less a paper weight.

Turn phone off then press and hold Power-home-volume up

When the phone goes into recovery mode use the volume down

button to highlight clear cache partition then press the power button

then use the volume down button to say yes and press power again

Then just reboot the phone after it clears it out.This does not change

any settings or mess with any of the apps you have on your phone.

I hope this helps. Please keep us posted on how you make out with

Verizon,Google or Samsung

Enthusiast - Level 3

Hey Kathy, thanks for the info. I have everything backed up, the issue is then I have to spend hours re setting stuff up the way I had it and download music and enter passwords. Not what I want to be spending my time on for something that is not caused by myself. And as far as clearing the cache, we troubleshooted for hours. The only fix is to get a new phone and don't update the software or download the software fix by Google. I'm just tired of spending countless hours on the phone and trying to fix a problem that shouldn't be a problem. It is irresponsible of Google to put out updates that aren't thouroughly tested and that have bugs and to not give us the option to decline the update. Thanks for you info!

Enthusiast - Level 2

We have had the exact same issues - randomly crashing apps and the wifi needing to be turned off then on again - this has just been since the latest update.  The first two weeks before this "update", it was the greatest phone ever.  Now I wonder if we just flushed $800 down the drain.

To answer any obvious questions..............

We have cleared the app cache

Cleared the system cache

Cleared the cache partition from the boot menu

Done the full master reset from the boot menu, then reinstalled apps manually.

NONE of these issues have resolved the issue.

With as many people as have posted about this, I would have hoped Verizon/Samsung would be quicker on the ball about getting this issue fixed, but so far, nothing.  Did we make the wrong move getting an S8+?  Should we have gotten a different brand?  I'm hoping there is some sort of answer to this, and not something that was shuffled off to an outsourced center, which gets only a canned, scripted reply that doesn't address the issue in any intelligent manner.  Please tell me that Verizon is actively looking into this issue for a resolution.  I don't want to think I made a huge mistake staying with this line of phones.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Hello Legoqueen, sounds like you are with the rest of us. There is no fix until Google comes out with another update. I wouldn't say you made a mistake by getting the S8, it's an awesome phone! The problem lies with Google and their c r a p p y updates that totally mess up our phones! They don't thouroughly test the update, and then we are pretty much forced to install it. You can click to do it later but it continues to pop up until you finislly do which is super annoying. This is the 3rd S8 of mine that the last two updates have messed up my phone. It is irresponsible of Google for putting out updates that crash our phones, Samsung for saying they can't even talk to Google and telling us to send in the phone for repair, and Verizon for continuing to make excuses and have no acceptable or timely solution! This happens way to frequently and why is Samsung allowing Google to put out updates that ruins their phones? I say if they continue to operate this way then we all need to file a class action lawsuits against all 3 for taking our money and pretty much making our phones inoperable. There is no excuse for this! Time to switch to At&t and apple. At least they test their updates. But pretty much both suck! There is no accountability and these company's see themselves as too big to fail and as a result treat us with no respect! The downfall of America is going to be with disappearance of customer service and accountability. We can throw Comcast in with this group as well. Nothing but corporate criminals in my opinion. And where is Verizon in all of this? Nowhere to be found with an acceptable solution.. Sitting on the sidelines taking our money... Time to just stop paying our bill until the problem is fixed.

Master - Level 1

I know exactly how you feel about this update. I had a S5 that was running great til they made the update to marshmallow from lollipop then it just crashed. Unfortunately the other carriers are having the same problem with the S8 and the Oreo update. You can go on their community forums and see the same complaints on there as are here.I have a S7 edge and hope that they get the bugs worked out before we have to update our phones and have the same problems that you are having. I am sure that Google will find the answers to well maybe half of these problems soon. I just hate when you call Verizon or Samsung and tell them the problems you are having and they act like you are the only one having them and this is the first they are hearing about it. I do know that sometimes it takes awhile for the phone to settle down after these updates and they do get better but a lot of the times it is that the update just doesn't work well with certain apps and we have to watch for updates to them apps. I hope everything works out with your phone and everyone else's phone. It is not like we get these phones for free anymore with a 2 year contract. The cost for a new phone is just ridiculous and everyone involved from the manufacturer to the ones that write the software must be held accountable. As far as the carriers they need to put more pressure on them to get these updates right.       

Enthusiast - Level 2

@KatiM_VZW @VZWSupport , the main issues I'm experiencing is increased battery usage, when surfing or using applications the phone just freezes randomly, then when I'm trying to create it reply to text messages the keyboard freezes. The most irritating item after the update is there call quality, previously it was excellent now people are stating that my voice keeps fading in and out. There has to be a solution to it. I'm going to look at other options perhaps including an iPhone. This phone was flawless prior to this update!

Specialist - Level 3

My questions were directed to the KatiM_VZW.

Customer Service Rep

AzzaJay, having the latest updates for your phone is crucial as it helps to ensure you have the best experience with your phone. I'm sorry to hear you have experienced several issues since installing the latest update. Software updates are released by the phone manufacturer, I can reassure you that feedback from the software updates is evaluated and utilized to optimize future updates.


Let's work towards resolving your current issues. How long did your battery previously last prior to the update? I understand your phone is observing intermittent freezing, is this with all apps or only certain apps? Please verify the available space on your phone with these instructions: https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/knowledge-base-211237/. I can also see that you are facing challenges when it comes to call quality. Please provide the zip code where you are experiencing call quality issues, and enable Wi-Fi Calling on your phone: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00062718/. Please let us know if these steps are effective in resolving your issues and keep us posted.



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Enthusiast - Level 2

I have problem reciving calls. We try everything, tech coach and verizon customer service. I change sim card and...... NOTHING! We pay lot of money for verizon service. I'm thining change company  next year. To much money , and sh...t service. My phone was working great, untill april update.


All my options are not availble to select, battery is just running down after one text send or recieved and calls.  This is a mess.  Want to installed latest update because this is jsut terrible - a dang mess

Customer Service Rep

We know the importance of having a phone with great battery life, as well as the latest software. We are here for you.


The software updates are actually released by the manufacturer, so we are in the dark as to when the updates will be released. As soon as an update will be available to our customers' phones, it will be available to download automatically on your phone.


Since experiencing the battery issue you described, have you done any trouble shooting on your phone? https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/knowledge-base-83067/


Also, have you tried using Samsung's Software Repair tool to ensure your phone has no software errors causing the issue on your phone? https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/knowledge-base-80201/ 



Enthusiast - Level 3

Actually LorenzoP from Verizon, the software updates come from Google. This is part of the problem, over 80 of the people from each company (Verizon, Google, and Samsung) don't even know who is responsible for what. And as far as updates being crucial, they might be however my phone was working perfectly before the update so I'd say not crucial. And if Google is going to put out an update that you say is crucial, then they are responsible for thoroughly testing it and making sure there are no bugs or issues before they force the update on us. And as far as trying to resolve the issues, you should probably read all the posts and do some research before coming on here. Now is not the time to troubleshoot. I've already spent hours on the phone troubleshooting. It's not good that I ,as a customer know more about the situation. After talking to a supervisor I was told that you (Verizon and Google) are aware of the issues and that Google is working on a update to fix the update. And so that brings us to where we are now. It's been two weeks and there is still no fix! Please do your job and call Google and find out when the update is coming out. We are sitting here waiting with our phones not working and you are not giving us anything. This is unacceptable!!

Customer Service Rep

Cfig77, I can definitely understand your frustration and appreciate all of your efforts in troubleshooting this so far. We want to see you with a good working phone. When there are issues due to software updates, we do reach out to all parties involved with the software update. Feedback is given and testing is performed to ensure this is corrected and prevented going forward.


You have mentioned the update does not allow your phone to work. Please provide some additional details on this. Are you able to make and receive phone calls? Are you able to send and receive text? What happens when using data? 


DanielleR VZW

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