Why is Verizon always last
Contributor - Level 1

Saw this on the web today.  Wi-Fi Calling to Begin Landing on Some Verizon Smartphones This Week  This update is for the Edge  and GS6  Of course Verizon was last of all the carriers.  Had a Note 4 waiting on the update.  Went to Nexus and Fi.  Never been happier.  Now to get my other 3 lines off Verizon.

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The FCC only granted the waiver in the last month or so. Verizon Wireless couldn't do a thing about until the government authorized it. They requested the waiver about the same time as AT&T and AT&T only got their FCC waiver a few months prior to Verizon Wireless.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.