Wi-fi issue after 4.3 update
Enthusiast - Level 1

After updating my phone to 4.3, I keep receiving a message saying that my wi-fi connection is unstable. I never received this message when the phone was running 4.2 Is anyone else having this issue and know how to fix it?

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93 Replies
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Community Leader

I saw it when I just tried connecting to a Starbucks wifi hotspot, but I hadn't "signed" into the hotspot yet. I will have to check my home wifi later to see if I get the same notification.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


I see the same problem, and I'm 10 feet from access point, had no connection issues with 4.2. Wanted to switch to 3g connection inside the building, fixed that by turning off auto network switch.

Customer Service Rep

Hi jp2000,

Let's get you connected. Using wifi is a great way to save on your data. Have you tried to delete and readd the network from your phone? Also, have you tried to power your router off and on? Keep us posted.

Thanks, BobbyS_VZW

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Enthusiast - Level 1

I was also having wifi issues since updating to 4.3. I get the message when turning on my network "Checking the quality of your internet connection." It then fails to connect and the notice is "Network disabled because internet connection is slow."

I found what the problem was, I went to Advanced settings within Wi-Fi and unchecked Auto Network switch. This took care of my issue.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thanks for posting this resolution. This did the trick!!! The first time it didn't work however, but when I went back into the settings, the check mark had returned...


Enthusiast - Level 1

Having same problem with Galaxy S4.  Tried powering on/off with no effect.  I am not interested in wiping the unit since it worked just fine prior to the update.  Unchecking Auto Network did nothing to improve the situation.

Customer Service Rep

Hi JB01 - Let's make sure you are able to control the way you want to use data! Is this happening on multiple WiFi networks or only at home? We can determine if a reset will be effective by running Safe Mode to see if you are still getting the same messages while connected. Here is a link with instructions: http://support.verizonwireless.com/support/devices/knowledge_base.html/77504/
I look forward to positive results!

Thank you,

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Contributor - Level 1

Same problem here on two different S4's.


I'm having the same issue. And it seems to be completely random.

Customer Service Rep

wpin, thanks for the heads up. Have you powered your device off/on to soft reset it? Have you downloaded 3rd party applications to your device? If so, I recommend that you uninstall any unwanted applications and power it off/on again. You will then need to test the WiFi feature again. Keep us posted.

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Contributor - Level 1

Have to see how my home network reacts; however so far at work, appears I'm maintaining my connection after disabling "Always allow scanning" and "Auto Network Switch" in WiFi -> Advanced.


Enthusiast - Level 1

abean your answer worked for me, thanks.


Same exact issue, beyond frustrating! Have been researching for weeks and nothing. Everyone is just trying to point the blame. I thought this was supposed to be one of the best phones on the best network? Guess not

Enthusiast - Level 2

Same problem. Link speed on phone shows 72mbps sitting next to router but the best upload speed I get is 3.8mbps down. Tried hard reset, no joy. All other devices on this network are getting 57 mbps to the internet through Comcast. If I try to actually download something, like a podcast from TWIT, I get constant "the wifi connection is unstable" messages.

Problem showed up with 4.3. If I remember correctly, there were many early wifi issues with this phone. I wonder if some yahoo just loaded the original wifi build from development that brought back the wifi toggle and hosed our the actual wifi function.

It is just not acceptable to have a device killing my battery constantly scanning for the network it is attached to, dropping back to LTE from wifi eating up my data plan, and not playing fair with STANDARD NETWORKING EQUIPMENT. It is also not acceptable to be putting all of us through the "reset your phone" dance when there is clearly an issue with the MJ7 update. I understand it might take some work to fix, how about actually communicating to the customers acknowleging the issue and telling us what you will do about it.

Oh, sorry, I forgot this is Verizon. The communications company that does not like to communicate.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Same problem here.  Automatic WiFi connectivity between home and work (for example) when there is no WiFi during the drive between, worked just great prior to the MJ7 build (4.3) update.  If I turn WiFi off then immediately back on, it connects to the saved/configured WiFi immediately.  This is an auto-connect problem with either the new build or the new radios.

Customer Service Rep

Hi Njuneer,

Agreed, Its important to have a properly working device at all times! Let's get this fixed. What type of router are you using with Comcast? Have you tried changing the router security settings via the Comcast Admin router admin page to see if the data speeds will increase? Keep me posted.

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Enthusiast - Level 2


1) The problem is not limited to the Comcast wireless router. It is also not due to the Comcast wireless router. (Even though it is a limited configurable ***.) There are  devices connected to this router getting full speeds, including an OSX based MBP, 2 Win 7 laptops, an ancient iPhone 3G, my old Droid Bionic, and an iPad.

Besides, even if it were a router compatibility issue, I cannot go around hacking WiFi routers everywhere I go to make them happy with my oddball device..

2) I had a chat session with a rep not long after my original post. He looked into the problem, found numerous reports of the same issue, and said that Verizon has escalated the problem to Samsung. Why cant you all get on the same page? Looking at the posts in this forum and others there is an OBVIOUS problem with 4.3 on the S4.

What we need now is an acknowledgement from Verizon of the problem and a date for a patch. Extra data on our plans may also be warranted since we cannot use our unlimited WiFi connections due to Verizon pushing a broken update onto our devices.

$600 phone that cannot connect to wifi reliably and because of something YOUR COMPANY did to it. Stop telling me to play with my router and fix the freaking phone!

>> Edited to comply with the <<

Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

Customer Service Rep

Thanks for trying njuneer. Have you tested the device on another wifi connection? Did you retain all of your apps during the OS update? Have you tried testing the wifi connection with multiple sources while in safe mode? http://tiny.cc/cr5h6w

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Enthusiast - Level 2

If you look 4 posts down, you will see that I answered these questions already. I have spent a large part of my career professionally troubleshooting complex tech systems. While my expertise is not specifically mobile, I am more than qualified to narrow down the problem through more than just "reset the phone" techniques. I'm also skilled enough to know that sometimes that is what it takes.

So, to answer your questions again.

Yes. I have tried it on multiple sources.

Yes. In safe mode.

Yes. After a complete device reset.

No. It still does not work as it should.

Somewhere, in a Verizon and/or Samsung office, there is an engineer that knows what is going on. The answer we need is in that office. Until Verizon figures out that customer service is not about asking the same basic questions over and over and over, I am still going to be hammering back. (Or until the rest of my contract sells on a 3rd party site and then you will not need to worry about me any longer.)

I spend a boatload of money on this service, this phone is not inexpensive and the best answer I can get after YOUR COMPANY BROKE MY PHONE is a bunch of 1st level tech support script reading nonsense.

Enthusiast - Level 1

It is the MOST frustrating thing ever!!
Also the NO response or acknowledgment from Verizon is really making frustrated. The price for this phone to NOT hold wifi and drain my data usage is ridiculous.