Wired Headsets not working with Galaxy S5

I have a number of wired 2.5mm headsets that I use with other Android based smart phones (Droid 4 most recently). I use multiple 2.5mm to 3.5mm adapters, and they have all working fine for all of them.

When I try to use any of my wired headsets + adapters with my Samsung Galaxy S5 I hear the audio from the headset, but other people don't hear my voice from the headset. When I connect the headset it shows as "earphones" everytime, and indeed does work fine as a earphone, but the microphone does not work. I'm wondering if there is a setting I need to change so the S5 sees my wired headset as a device with a microphone and not just headphones.

Does anyone have any ideas on this?

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3 Replies

I don't have an answer but would like to hear one also.  I have exactly the same problem.  I can't use my 2.5mm headsets with my Samsung Galaxy S5 because only get 1 way audio (can hear but can't speak).  I have tried the 2.5mm Female to 3.5mm Male adapter to no avail.  I don't care for the ear bugs that came with the phone, and would prefer a quality headset with a microphone boom.


I found out that the wiring of the contacts is different for some phones.  If the earbuds say compatible with iPhone then the tip/ring/sleeve contacts are swapped in relation to the Galaxy S5's contacts.  See: Phone connector (audio) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Specialist - Level 2

And, as usual, Apple fails to follow a standard that 99.999% of the rest of the world uses for headphone jacks.