bizarre problem with voicemail

Last night between 1:14 am and 2:21 am I got 4 short phone calls supposedly from Jordan (starting +962 7). They ended after one ring. The next morning I found a voicemail attached to one of those calls. But I know from the content and from recognizing the speaker's voice that it was a voicemail left for me by a friend who called 6 days earlier from a local (707) number; I found the call in my record of missed calls. That was the first time I received this voicemail, and it was not there when I went to bed last night.  There were 2 more calls from a Jordan number  in the 8 am hour today. Since then, no further strange calls. By the way, I know nobody in Jordan and have never before received a call from +062.

It must be a glirch in the Verizon system. Anybody else know of anything like this happening?

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