refurbished phone as replacement for brand new defective phone?
Enthusiast - Level 1

We bought a Samsung Galaxy Note 8 on 4/25/2018 from Best Buy. We were having trouble with people on the other end being able to hear unless it was on speaker phone. We waited a while to return it because we thought maybe we didn't have settings on properly, so we tried several settings to see if it would fix the problem. When we brought it back to Best Buy, they told us that they would give us a new one, but because it was the 15th day, they needed a code from Verizon to process it through their computers so they needed to call Verizon for the code. Verizon didn't give approval and talked to us on the phone to trouble shoot and indeed found the phone defective. I was told by the Verizon agent that she was going to ship out a NEW phone overnight and we would have it the next day. The next day I received an email saying that it wasn't coming until Monday, leaving us with a phone that wasn't working through that time. When I received the phone on Monday - It was NOT new, like we were told, but a refurbished phone that they expect us to pay FULL price for. I called on 5/14/18 as soon as I received the phone and realized it wasn't new. The first representative I spoke to Dray? (not sure of spelling) was very nice and said that she understood and said she would put the phone through as a DOA, meaning that it was defective right away and we should be sent a NEW phone. She said she had to put the code through the tech support department and then sent me to Tre in tech support. He then told me that it didn't matter that the phone was defective when we bought it. Because we waited until the 15th day to return it, we had to pay full price for a refurbished phone, which they only guaranty for one year, or send it back to Samsung to fix (with no idea on how long it would take to get fixed while we are without a brand new phone, which we need to pay for). I told him that these were unacceptable choices and asked to speak to his supervisor. Every person I spoke to got increasingly rude, essentially telling me they didn't care - it was their policy that because it was on the 15th day, we are stuck paying for a brand new phone while only supplying a refurbished one - because it was the 15th day (instead of the 14th). I spoke next to Calido who told me Best Buy lied, etc. and just tried to talk around the issue, then to Andrew who just said I had no other options, then to Judy who was very snobby and when I told her that she told me I was lying and just mad at her because I wasn't getting my way - nice customer service!! I asked to speak to her supervisor and she told me SHE had made the final decision. I told her that I still wanted to speak to her supervisor (Kim). She told me it would be up to 72 hrs before I hear from her, but that HER decision was final. I am waiting to see if I hear from Kim, but I am going to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau at least. To tell a customer that they have to pay full price for a refurbished phone because the brand new one is defective because it was returned One day after the 14 should be illegal. What is to sto

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4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

I am truly sorry for the experience that you had with our customer service representatives. It is also very upsetting that Best Buy set an incorrect expectation suggesting that we have a special code to override their system. The Verizon Wireless return policy is 14 days, but if your purchased the phone through Best Buy and it was defective they would have to make the call to do the return. We do sell Samsung devices, but if the purchase was not made through us, the only option we have is the refurbished device option. Have you received a call back from the manager in question yet? 

Enthusiast - Level 2

don't feel like The lone ranger! My phone was 18 days past and I had to return it because the Google pixel 3XL is not working like it should... They sent me a replacement, also telling me I would get it in two days, it was essentially five and then still make me pay $950 for a phone that is refurbished? Should be illegal and I will contact them better business bureau


that's how they do it!!

Enthusiast - Level 2

The Tos (terms of service) are  clearly stated.  You had 14 days, if the phone was not working prior to that time frame ; you should have taken it back immediately.

There are no settings that adjust someone hearing you, the mic was defective.  Ignorance on your part does not make everyone's customer service terrible or there fault.


Fact is you knew you had a issue , you did not find it important enough to take back before the 14 day period was up.


So now yes you will be stuck with a refurbished unit.  Lesson learned by you.  Any carrier would have don't the same thing.

Knowing is half the battle acting on the knowledge is the rest !