Enthusiast - Level 1

I have two phones on mt Verizon account. I gave one to my 14-year-old granddaughter for her use. She has LOTS of texts. There are a few texts to/from numbers that are not familiar to us. She gave information about the holders of those numbers that is not correct. Is there any way that the texts to and from those numbers can also be sent to my phone but without her knowing that I can read those texts? I know, I feel a little guilty about doing this, but her safety is very important to us

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1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

We are so sad that your grand daughter is getting text from someone they are not familiar with. We are very sad to say, but text messages can only go to the actual phone that is being texted. There is not an option for you to select certain messengers to message you instead of her phone. Have you tried blocking those numbers that are texting her from that phone?
