Usage controls "pending"

I have two LG Cosmos phones on my family plan (my kids' phones). I have had Usage Controls on one phone for a year and it works great. I added Usage Controls to my other son's phone a month ago and the status is still "pending." I have removed this feature and re-added it. No change. I have called Customer Service and Tech Support. Neither one has been able to help. They said their must be a "glitch" in the system and to try again in about an hour. Yeah, well..I've been down that road twice now. So there is just no way to fix this? Is there anyone out there with a clue? I put more stock in someone who doesn't work for Verizon at this point.

After we solve this, maybe someone can explain to me why Family Locator works on one phone but not the other either. One phone (the one with Usage Controls) can't download the app to enable the Family Locator features. I have removed all service blocks and restrictions but nothing works. Works like a champ on the other phone. Verizon can't figure this one out either.

I can't believe I am paying for these services. I won't be in a few days if I can't figure something out.

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