Play more Disney Bundle suddenly stopped

Disney+ Bundle on Playmore working perfectly then suddenly it’s asking me to resubscribe. I signed a contract after trading in my phone so I can’t just hop off the plan. I tried all the solutions everyone else suggested, and confirmed my plan still states Disney+ is  active. I can’t get anyone to answer the chat. As far as contact law is concerned, Verizon is breaching contract by not providing a service that was part of the original agreement. Can someone from Verizon please point me in the direction of someone who can remedy this because it appears I’m not the only injured party.

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Customer Service Rep

That is indeed strange that your Disney+ bundle is asking for payment like that, Sansusername. We definitely want to help get this remedied, as I know my house can't survive without Disney+, as my children would revolt. Please be on the lookout for a private note from us so we can dive into this.
