Ellipsis 8 Update Error 555 Cannot Connect
Enthusiast - Level 1

My Ellipsis 8 was updating on May 1, 2018 and failed mid-update with error 555. When checking for Updates to relaunch it I get a message stating that it cannot connect " because your connection was interrupted. You can try again when you are connected to the Verizon 4G LTE network"

I am connected. I have internet access via 4G.

I would like to have the update completed so that future updates will be available. Is there a fix?

4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

It's important to be able to update your device software, GAYDAY18. Has your tablet been powered off since you first attempted to update the software? If so, please reboot in Safe Mode: https://vz.to/2P5Dpjm . Are you still seeing an error? Do you have a WiFi connection available to use in order to complete the update: https://vz.to/2P8WzF6 ?


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I have had the same issue as GAYDAY18 and have tried all of the solutions recommended including a full factory reset. The tablet came with SUN1_20A10 installed and successfully updated to SUN1_20A12. It then attempted to update to SUN1_20A14 which failed with an error code of 555.  All subsequent updates fail with a "cannot connect" and "Try Again Later".  It appears that there was a fault in the SUN1_20A14 update which has corrupted the location the system must use for the update and now prevents any updates from loading.  This appears to be the only problem with the tablet so I don't believe that it is a hardware issue.  Has anyone confirmed that the 20A14 update was not defective?  Is there anyway to manually load these updates?  I have been told by tech support that the only remedy is to trade in for a replacement fore $149. This is unacceptable.

Customer Service Rep

Having your device get the latest OS version is a must. We are here to help. Since the update has failed on the device, itself have you tried to use the Software Repair Assistant. Click here for more details: http://spr.ly/6586E6N8A

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I have the same problem. When I run the software Repair Assistant, it reports that 'the software on your Ellipsis 8 is up to date.' However when I look at the device it is system SUN_1_20A12. It reports a failed update to SUN_1_20A14_user on May 2, 2018 with error code 555. Since then a 'check for new system updates' results in a can't connect error message.
