My tablet keeps shutting down while using it
Enthusiast - Level 2

My tablet shuts down without warning while using it.

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Mine has done the same thing from time to time.  Annoying and frustrating.

SOmetimes I figure it's because I have a few things too many open and the RAM just maxes out.  Other times I'm simply reading on the Kindle app with nothing else going on.  It simply shuts off, and I have to reboot.

I haven't yet figured out why it does this or how to "fix" it; I just take a deep breath and restart it.  I know that doesn't help you, just know you are not alone.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thanks. I was not sure if it was only myself or others had the same issue.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thanks for the "vote of support", so-to-speak. My Ellipsis 10 began doing

it once in a blue moon; scrolling, opening an app, using the volume; but

now it's happening very frequently. In addition, it'll shut off while

restarting! And when that occurs, it often restarts by optimizing my 150

apps which takes about 20 minutes. I've tried using AVG to clear the cache

and then I manually restarted but to no avail.

Maybe we'll get it figured out before I use mine to kill flies with.

Enthusiast - Level 2

That's exactly what mine is doing.


Had same problem sent it in twice just got it back today

The first time they reloaded the main software,lasted a few weeks started again

The last time they replaced the mother board ,so far so good

Customer Service Rep


Oh gosh! I regret that your tablet keeps shutting off at random. This is definitely not the experience that we want to hear about. I appreciate the information that you’ve provided so far. I’m here to help make sure we resolve this once & for all. Are you using the provided functioning charger / cable in a known working outlet? Do you know if there is any soft of physical or liquid damage?


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Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm using the original OE charger and there is no physical or

moisture-related damage.  Other Ellipsis owners are having the same

problem. It shuts down randomly. I could be scrolling, raising or lowering

the volume, opening an app... anything. Also, sometimes when I restart it

it'll shut down during boot up and subsequent restart often results in the

message "optimizing applications" which can take 15-20 minutes before it's

usable again.

Rick [Removed]

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Enthusiast - Level 2

My husband and I are having the same problem with our tablets. They just randomly shut down, sometimes have to restart 4 or 5 times and also has to "optimize 150 apps" which in turn kills the battery.

I call Verizon and was told it was some of the apps I had downloaded and they were constantly running in the background, so I deleted said apps and it still does it. Then I was told "you get what you pay for" and that I needed to update to a more expensive tablet if I wanted better performance.

No, I want the one I bought to do what I bought it for, to play games and watch Netflix without shutting down every 5 minutes.

Customer Service Rep

We understand your concern, ELIWEL64. We want you to have a fully working tablet. What kind of tablets do you have? When did the issues start? Is the device on the most recent software available?


Follow us on TWITTER @VZWSupport If my response answered your question please click the Correct Answer button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have the Ellipsis 10. I purchased two of them in November 2016 and as far

as I know the software is up to date. The issue started with both tablets

about 3 or 4 weeks ago and has progressively gotten worse. I contacted

Verizon and was told to delete most of the apps I had downloaded because

they were always running in the background eating up the RAM. So I did this

with both tablets. It got a little better but it the battery is 50% or less

it is worse. My tablet will shut off and restart 3 or 4 times in a row

before it will stay on and then only after "optimizing apps" for 20 minutes

which in turn kills the battery altogether. I was also told by the Verizon

rep that "you get what you pay for" and if I wanted better performance out

of a tablet I needed to purchase a more expensive one with more RAM.

On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 7:15 AM, vzw_customer_support <

Customer Service Rep

This is helpful information, ELIWEL64. Four weeks is way too long to have this trouble. We appreciate the steps you've taken so far. Let's continue to dig into this and get your tablet working. Are you using the charger that came with the device? Has there been any damage to the devices? How often does the tablet power off?


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If my response answered your question please click the  Correct Answer  button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 2

We are using the chargers that came the tablets and there has been no

damage to either one. They will shut down several times while in use unless

they are plugged in or has a full battery. If not plugged in once the

battery reaches about 60% they will start shutting down and will do it

several times in a row.

On May 22, 2017 8:26 AM, "vzw_customer_support" <>

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have reported this same situation recently. My tablet was shutting off

at or below 65% battery power for awhile and has lately been doing it at as

high as 85%. As with others, it does not randomly shutdown when plugged in.

Customer Service Rep

I too would be upset if I had to keep my tablet at 100% battery life, or plugged in to use them, ELIWEL64. Having a device that you can take anywhere is a must. Let’s take a closer look into this. Does this behavior also occur while in Safe Mode? Here’s how to place your tablet in Safe Mode:


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Enthusiast - Level 2

I tried putting the tablet in safe mode but that disabled all the apps I am

usually using when it goes down. So not sure how putting it in safe mode

will help determine the issue.

On May 24, 2017 12:54 PM, "vzw_customer_support" <>

Customer Service Rep


We know how important is to have properly working tablets. It is concerning to see the same thing is occurring on two different Ellipsis's. Allow me to clarify about Safe Mode. When you put a device in Safe Mode this will determine if a third party app is causing the issues. This will, though, temporarily disable apps installed from the Play Store. By chance do you see your device still shutting down while in safe mode? Even when the battery level is hitting 60%?


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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 2

Considering it only does this when I am using apps from the Play Store and

those are disabled with Safe Mode, I can't tell you if it shuts off or not

because I there is nothing left to use the tablet for to make it shut down.

Make sense?

On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 9:28 PM, vzw_customer_support <

Customer Service Rep

Eliwe64, yes it definitely makes sense if it happens when the applications are running. It's important that we get to the bottom of your tablet shutting down when the battery percentage is low. I have sent you a private message to get some more details from you regarding this issue. 


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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 1

Me to!!!

Customer Service Rep

mccallnatasha11, you deserve a properly working tablet. Help is here. Let's work together in gathering some information so that we can pin point what is happening with you device. So sorry to ask but has there been any damage to the device? Is there a particular application that is in use when the device shuts down?