Most Valuable Posts 08/07/23
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Featured Question or Quote of the Week:


Quote: My daughter needs to pay her own phone bill. How do I get her off of my plan and onto her own?”  - kruse2 

Quote: Can I have more that 2 WIFI Extenders connected to my Fios Quantum Gateway?”  - Bobbyb5


Spotlight of the Week (Topic or Post)


Topic:  Additional Fire TV devices unable to pair with VMS1100 Media Server"


Topic:  Has anyone talked about this problem with Fios One”   


Topic:  Remote mute button leaves volume off and will not turn back on” 


Topic:  Fios gigabit upload problem”   


Topic:  ”Moved into apartment and order still on hold” 


Topic:  ”Customer service in Bristol RI” 


Topic:  ”Unlimited Data” 


Topic:  ”Unhappy with Verizon Providing Better Offers to New Customers vs. Legacy Customers” 


Topic:  ”STARZ activation from +Play” 


Topic:  ”Cell Service Disappeared from Home”  


Top Liked AuthorsThanks so much for your posts this week! Kudos to you all!! 😊


tikibar1:   20


Scott5337:   6


grambon1:   5


Weth:   5




lovevr02:   5


Danamaste:   5


akhenax23:   5


kecc:   5


SuzyQ:   2




This week’s MVPs are members who have been nominated for their multiple helpful posts as in this post,  this post , and this post.


Thank you so much  tikibar1clem21  and Cang_Household! Congratulations!!! 👏🏻


Best Regards! ❤️




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