Trade in issues


I traded in my 5G 22 Ultra I bought it in cash from T-Mobile. Although I wish I would have never traded it into Verizon. I decided to try Apple. My Flagship Samsung was worth way more than the Apple plus I'd only had it for about 3 months and I got just the basic 13 no promo no nothing the offer on my phone was over the price of the Apple. I did this in store even turn the phone in and it's box left out of the store with no phone because I had to wait two days for it to come in no payments no nothing. My phone bill is so incredibly outrageous every month it should never top 85 there are no payments on my phone as like before I have no interest in payments I just want to be done and pay the phone bill and even if that weren't the case they weren't even applying credits. I went in to have it fixed worked with the same guy super friendly he saw this issue just as I did he said that maybe when he was done without that there might have been $2 owed on it and I showed the receipts which jogged his memory and now my service is shut off for non payment after I paid (3rd time now) and still no fix. No service after I pay and no credit or now partial credit but it should be completely paid off there should never be a payment for it in any way my roommate already left our plan due to the crazy and even though there was no left over charge and no phone brought from them they still charge me for my roommates line. No terminated nothing. Just absolutely unexpected unacceptable charges. And what is up with you guys' robot customer service guy like seriously I've gotten hung up so many times for no reason not only that it's even saying I owe $0.00. Bro, for real.? My job demands I have a phone for my clients & when I'm around my clients this is the second time Verizon has shut my phone off what is even going on has anyone else experienced this weirdness

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep


Good morning Quiu360. We would love to help. What promotion were you applying for? I recommend going back to the store and reviewing your trade in. -Joe