Mobile calling and Mobile Data in Wisconsin
Enthusiast - Level 1

Over the last month or two, mobile data - and now mobile calling - has been nearly unusable for hours at a time.  This would be in the central part of the state.  I don't travel out of state much, but within about a 50 mile radius of my home, the mobile data (when not on any wifi) is *very* slow.  Within the last week or so, I've been getting the "1x" next to the signal strength indicator - and that's happening in populated areas (I can understand it if I'm in "the sticks").

Seems like the service in general is degrading somewhat in the area.  I've heard similar complaints from other customers in the area; most take it as "I should probably do something about that".  Others jump to other carriers - I'd rather not go through the pain of mobile number porting if I don't have to.

I have a Samsung S20 (it's been pretty decent up until about April of this year), and right now I'm in the process of backing it up to give it a reset to see if that helps.  I do all the updates as they come up, so hopefully I didn't get a "buggy one" at some point.


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