Cloud Issues

I had photos backed up on Verizon cloud but now they're gone.  Is there any way to restore them?

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3 Solutions
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See if these help:

Re: What is going on?

How is Verizon Cloud changing, and what are my options?

Verizon Cloud is changing to a paid, premium media storage service.

Anyone with Verizon Cloud free media storage will be required to either upgrade to a premium paid option, or remove their media before their account will be deleted. You can continue to use the Verizon Cloud app to store your contacts, free of charge.

Verizon Cloud FAQs | Verizon Wireless

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Enthusiast - Level 1

My mom just canceled my cloud service yesterday. Am I able to restore my content if we get the cloud service again? Also, it still showed 300 and some odd photos and 30 videos to be backed up and it is allowing me to back those up but where will they be saved once backup is complete?

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Verizon Employee

Hi @Maliv1003   - Like so much in life, it depends.

If your verizon wireless service is still active (your mom didn't switch carriers or disconnect your mobile number), then you or your mom will need to put the cloud feature back on your mobile number.  It's best to call support at 800-922-0204 to have them do it because your content was put into archived storage when the cloud feature was removed and they will need to restore your archived content back to your mobile number.

If your wireless service isn't active because mom switched carriers or disconnected your service, then it's a little more complicated.  If you updated your cloud profile (Cloud app>Settings>My Account>Complete my profile) with a verified email addres, then you should have received an email with instructions to reactivate Verizon Cloud.  If that wasn't done then the only option is to either reactivate the disconnected wireless number or port the number back to Verizon.

It's odd that the backups are successful because as Community Manager said, once the cloud feature is removed, access to the cloud is blocked.  So, if you are successfully backing up videos/photos you probably started a new cloud account and your old content is in the archived cloud account.  It's best to speak with someone either in customer service either by chat or a phone call so they can look at the history of events to figure out just what's going on.

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6 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

See if these help:

Re: What is going on?

How is Verizon Cloud changing, and what are my options?

Verizon Cloud is changing to a paid, premium media storage service.

Anyone with Verizon Cloud free media storage will be required to either upgrade to a premium paid option, or remove their media before their account will be deleted. You can continue to use the Verizon Cloud app to store your contacts, free of charge.

Verizon Cloud FAQs | Verizon Wireless

Customer Service Rep



Sorry to hear about trouble with your content being deleted. Do you know how long ago this happened? If your had your content less than 30 days ago, customer service can possibly recover your content.


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Enthusiast - Level 1

My mom just canceled my cloud service yesterday. Am I able to restore my content if we get the cloud service again? Also, it still showed 300 and some odd photos and 30 videos to be backed up and it is allowing me to back those up but where will they be saved once backup is complete?

Customer Service Rep

We know that it is important to ensure all your data is backed up, @Maliv1003. Once your cancellation request has been processed, you'll no longer have access to the Verizon Cloud service, including most of the content and files you had stored. If you decide to cancel your subscription to Verizon Cloud, you should first download all your files to your computer or a portable storage device. Your content will be archived for an additional 30 days after you cancel. If you decide to subscribe to Verizon Cloud again within those 30 days. Here is a link with more details,   GeorginaG_VZW

Verizon Employee

Hi @Maliv1003   - Like so much in life, it depends.

If your verizon wireless service is still active (your mom didn't switch carriers or disconnect your mobile number), then you or your mom will need to put the cloud feature back on your mobile number.  It's best to call support at 800-922-0204 to have them do it because your content was put into archived storage when the cloud feature was removed and they will need to restore your archived content back to your mobile number.

If your wireless service isn't active because mom switched carriers or disconnected your service, then it's a little more complicated.  If you updated your cloud profile (Cloud app>Settings>My Account>Complete my profile) with a verified email addres, then you should have received an email with instructions to reactivate Verizon Cloud.  If that wasn't done then the only option is to either reactivate the disconnected wireless number or port the number back to Verizon.

It's odd that the backups are successful because as Community Manager said, once the cloud feature is removed, access to the cloud is blocked.  So, if you are successfully backing up videos/photos you probably started a new cloud account and your old content is in the archived cloud account.  It's best to speak with someone either in customer service either by chat or a phone call so they can look at the history of events to figure out just what's going on.

Verizon Employee


Click the Re: What is going on?  link in tikibar1​'s response for what you need to do.
