No Photos When There Are Photos
Enthusiast - Level 1

Why Verizon Cloud isn't syncing photos when the device has photos in the external SD camera folder and photo sync has been enabled. This message appears when viewing photos: There are no accessible photos on your device or in the cloud. When photos are added to the device, they will be automatically backed up.

1 Reply
Verizon Employee

HI @f_canton !

Verizon Cloud backs up from specific locations on the phone.  Here's the details from our FAQ page


Verizon Cloud backs up from multiple locations depending on the device type.

Content Type Stored Location on Device

ContactsPhone or Contacts app
Messages1Messaging, Messages or Text app
Call Logs1Call History or Recent tab in the Phone app
Photos and VideosAndroid (both internal + external removable memory)
  • Root folder3
  • DCIM and sub-folders
  • Pictures and sub-folders
  • SD_VIDEO folder in the Casio Commando 4G

  • Camera Roll and Videos in the Photos app
Music2Android (both internal and external removable memory)
  • Root folder3
  • Music and sub-folders
Documents2Microsoft® Office documents (PDF, PPT, PPTX, DOC, DOCX, XLS and XLSX) located anywhere on the device will be backed up

1 Messages and call logs can't be backed up from or restored to iOS devices.

2 Music and documents stored on Verizon Cloud can be streamed and accessed by using the Verizon Cloud app on iOS devices, but music and documents can't be backed up from or downloaded to iOS devices.

3 Root on a smartphone or tablet is equivalent to a C: drive on a computer; it's the highest folder level.
