Verizon Cloud

Trying to back up files to  Verizon Cloud from iPhone 13 Pro. Backup started a few days ago, got some files transferred. But Iโ€™ve been busy and havenโ€™t been able to let the app do its thing without closing it for a few days. Tried to restart the back up again tonight. When I open app, it tells me I have XXXXX files to upload. I tap the Upload Now button. Then a pop up window says back up will stop if I exit app. I click OK. Meanwhile, in the background, when the pop up occurs the Upload Now button toggles to Cancel (indicating itโ€™s trying to upload). But when I hit OK on the pop up window, the Cancel button toggles back to Upload Now as if it never really started.. If I tap the Upload Now button again, the pop up window comes back, click ok, and Cancel toggles back to Upload Now. Over and over. I didnโ€™t have this problem the other night. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Iโ€™ve tried closing the app and also turned off phone/turned back on then reopened app. Still same issue.

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Kmbh We want to help ensure that all your content is backing up. Is the Cloud app up to date? ~Peter