Basic phone overcharges

We moved to the More Everything Plan in November 2011.  Apparently since that time, we were supposed to be charged $20 for a basic phone, rather than $30.  That is 45 months of overcharges @ $10 a month, coming to a total overpayment of $450.  Verizon is telling me that they can only give me a $60 credit for them billing me $450 too much over the last 3 years, 9 months of basic service.  What kind of business ethics is that?  Own up to your mistake Verizon and make this correct.

What adds even more to my aggravation, I was told to go to Billing Disputes.  Is that the way to handle a customer?  I was on hold for a supervisor until they cut me off.  

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3 Replies

I think most people will question why you waited so long to look at your bill or understand the charges.  Anyway, you have 180 days from the date of the charge in question to dispute.


If you're a Postpay customer, you can dispute your bill within 180 days of receiving it, but unless otherwise provided by law or unless you're disputing charges because your wireless device was lost or stolen, you still have to pay all charges until the dispute is resolved. If you're a Prepaid customer, you can dispute a charge within 180 days of the date the disputed charge was incurred. YOU MAY CALL US TO DISPUTE CHARGES ON YOUR BILL OR ANY SERVICE(S) FOR WHICH YOU WERE BILLED, BUT IF YOU WISH TO PRESERVE YOUR RIGHT TO BRING AN ARBITRATION OR SMALL CLAIMS CASE REGARDING SUCH DISPUTE, YOU MUST WRITE TO US AT THE CUSTOMER SERVICE ADDRESS ON YOUR BILL, OR SEND US A COMPLETED NOTICE OF DISPUTE FORM (AVAILABLE AT VERIZONWIRELESS.COM), WITHIN THE 180–DAY PERIOD MENTIONED ABOVE. IF YOU DO NOT NOTIFY US IN WRITING OF SUCH DISPUTE WITHIN THE 180-DAY PERIOD, YOU WILL HAVE WAIVED YOUR RIGHT TO DISPUTE THE BILL OR SUCH SERVICE(S) AND TO BRING AN ARBITRATION OR SMALL CLAIMS CASE REGARDING ANY SUCH DISPUTE.


The charge was $30. It has not been 45 months since the price was changed to $20.

Not applicable

Firstly More Everything plans started as Share Everything in late June 2012. So there is no way you had that plan in Nov 2011. Second the cost reduction of basic phones didn't happen until at least April 2014.