Can't send text messages

Three days ago this issue started.  I went to send a text message (phone is a Samsung Stratosphere). and it failed.  When I looked at details it had a cause of "Addr. Trns."  I called customer support and after doing what I had already done (removed the battery, left it out for a minute, turned phone off while she sent a 'refresh' to my phone etc) she put in a trouble ticket.  I have not heard from tech support about the ticket and still cannot text out.  I can receive text's but can't send (which is a pain).  I have unlimited text on my phone plan, my husband can text out (his phone is on my account) but I can't.  As soon as I try I get a 'message not send" beep and of course it doesn't go.  The numbers I am trying to text are other members of our family and on Verizon too. 

I have removed and replaced my sim card (using the same card)as support suggested and that didn't work.

Any other ideas of what I can do?



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1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Hi CalicoK! I'm very sorry that you're having messaging issues, and deeply regret that you haven't heard back from us on the ticket. I'd be more than happy to get the status of that ticket. Please send me a follow request by searching DionM_VZW and request to follow. We can communicate privately to get your account details. Thanks!

Dion M.
VZW Support
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