Can't send text to Australian number being used in the US on AT&T.

I have a friend visiting the US from Australia, using an iPhone on the AT&T network.  I am in the US, using a Samsung Galaxy S4 and sending messages through the standard Android text messaging feature, not a third party piece of software.  I can receive a text message from my friend, regardless of whether he is in the US or Australia.  However, he will ONLY receive my text reply if he's in Australia.  Once he hits US shores, he no longer receives my texts.

I have tried:

  1. Using the standard international prefixes to reach an Australian phone (011 61 +number), by entering the number manually.
  2. Replying to the text message directly.  It works when he's in Australia, but not when he's here on the AT&T network.
  3. Dropping the 011 prefix.
  4. Replacing the 61 with 1.
  5. Calling the phone when he's in the US. This works without any problems.

It's super frustrating so any ideas on how to fix this?

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4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

It's really odd that you are unable to text your friend, SkiMonkey. You have taken great steps to troubleshoot this. When you call his phone while he's in the U.S. do you have the international prefix or are you dialing the 10 digit number? Has he contacted his carrier to ensure his phone is functioning properly on their network?

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Good question.  I have called him in the US using BOTH methods.  If I manually enter the 10-digit number, my phone will automatically add the international prefix.  I have also called using the international prefix, plus the country code.  Both methods work.

His phone appears to be working correctly in the US as there are no issues with making calls, but texting to me on the Verizon network seems to be an issue.  We'll call AT&T to see if they have any answers.  (Although I bet they say it's Verizon's fault and vice versa )

Anything else I can check on my end?

Customer Service Rep

SkiMonkey, thanks for those great details. Is he able to receive any text messages while he is here in the United States? Does it show on your end that the text message was sent out or do you end up getting an error message when you try to send him the message?

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I do not get an error message saying the text was not sent, and there's no bounceback.  My phone simply shows a sent text.

Not sure if he can receive texts from others so we'll check that now.