Certain texts showing on phone, but not web-based verizon messaging. Unable to clear notifications.
Enthusiast - Level 2

Every once in a while, I get a type of message from a 5-digit short code number. This may be some sort of notification or security confirmation from a website, but it shows up on my phone and I get the message as normal.  However, on the web-based version of Verizon messenger, the message does not show up.  Oddly enough though, the tab that I have my Verizon messaging window open in, shows a notification saying that I have an unread message, even though the message never actually showed up, and therefore, I have no way of clearing. This has been going on for a couple months now, and I currently have a (5) in my tab for 5 unread messages that I am unable to clear.  It is just a building problem and it seems there's no way I can get it back to 0.   I even went through every stored message I had on the web based Verizon text program and deleted every message I had saved on there just to ensure that I didn't miss anything and all the messages were read, but when I refresh the page, even though there are no saved messages left, it still shows the (5) up in my tab.  Additionally, many times when I am sending a message from my phone, the consistency of it showing up in the web version of Verizon texts is spotty.  Sometimes they will show up, and sometimes they wont.  I'm not doing anything differently from one time to another to prompt this inconsistency.  Does anyone out there have any advice on how I can fix these problems?  They're not serious problems that prevent me from using the service, but it's just very annoying when it says you have unread messages that you have no way of viewing or clearing.  Please let me know if anyone out there has advice on this.  Thanks

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43 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

@Ann154 In the intervening years, has this been changed to an option rather than a baked-in feature? I hate having to get the phone for a verification code when I am sitting at my desk with web texting open. The phone is not always nearby. It would be so much easier if I could enable the feature.

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