Dead Zone in Trenton, NJ

There is a dead zone in Trenton, New Jersey and I lose calls every day on my commute from Bucks County, PA to Princeton, NJ.  The dead zone is located on Route 1 (both north and south) between the Olden Avenue and Mulberry Street exits. Can someone please look into this? 

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4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

It's important for you to have reliable service, MICSMI74. I understand you mentioned this happens every day. How long have you noticed this happening? When you lose a call, do you also lose service? After the call is lost, if you attempt to call back, how long does it take for the call to connect?


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There is another area, not much further south in Morrisville PA, where I can get next to signal. I try to get directions via Google maps or another app but it won't load until I'm around a half mile away from my house. I'll be watching Netflix on the bus and at just about the same spot everyday, it'll freeze. The zip code is 19067.

Customer Service Rep

That information is very helpful JR_Wick. I can understand the frustration of losing signal while commuting. Let's take a look at the area and check for any reported issues. After review of that zip code, I do show a few customers who have reported changes in service but nothing that is area wide. Additionally, service can fluctuate while on the bus, train or car. What phone do you have and we can provide some general trouble-shooting steps to help with improving service while you travel through that area. How is service once you get to work or at home? 


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Hello and thank you for your reply.

I am using a Galaxy s8, while my wife is using an iPhone (a 7, I think). My family members have the same issue as well, all of them using varying iPhone models. It isn't just while driving either. While I might be able to get intermittent service while walking in the neighborhood, it is almost always restricted to music streaming; no web surfing and I can't use web-based apps. We've also attempted while stopped in nearby parking lots, at traffic lights, etc., with no luck.

Our service returns to where we would expect it to be once we are home since we are using the Wi-Fi



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