Disable number links in Message+ Google Pixel 2 XL
Enthusiast - Level 2

Is there a way to prevent message plus from automatically converting number strings to a clickable hyperlink on a Google pixel 2 XL? I found another thread that told a user to go into advanced settings from the apps main menu, but that doesn't exist on my apps available settings.

I get the idea of having things like phone numbers be clickable, but if it's just a couple of numbers strung together it's still creates a clickable hyperlink and changes the font color and with my darker theme it makes it significantly more difficult to read the numbers. 

Ideally I just want to have number strings appear as regular text, but see no way of doing that on my phone with this app


3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

I understand how annoying the numbers can convert to a clickable hyperlink TJ_11. I would love to help as much as I can. I did research this for you and there is no way to turn this feature off. The interpreted links seem to be originating from the sender. Does your friend see on his/her end that his/her sent texts include the period? I recommend confirming if this is exclusively an issue with just this contact or if in fact, you are getting multiple contacts showing this way. AmberF_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 2

It doesn't originate with the sender. It's all texts that include numbers, regardless of the sender. If I send myself a text with numbers it's the same. If I switch to the native Messages app for android I don't have this issue. It's only with Message+ that this occurs.


I have a Galaxy Note 8 and am having the same problem.