Duplicated messages on phone (RESTORE?)
Enthusiast - Level 3

My phone has many many duplicated messages.  They are literally the exact same text under the exact same timestamp. I think this may be related to two things:

  • Use of RESTORE on my phone (currently Samsung S10, but happened on S7 too)
  • Use of the PC Windows Verizon Messages (Message+) app

I don't really know that either of those contributed.  I mostly suspect it was RESTORE, mostly because they are (the recent duplicates) the last 90 days worth, which is what I happened to have RESTOREd from the cloud (the maximum saved, which is also unacceptable but a post for another time).

This is completely unacceptable!

Not only is it impossible to read through the two, sometimes 3 duplicate messages, it is taking up valuable space, and the MMS pics are also duplicated.  It is especially incredibly frustrating & difficult to delete duplicate pics, as often pics are similar.  Messages are a little easier.  

PLEASE FIX THIS!!!  What I **DESPERATELY NEED** is not only a fix for the underlying problem resulting in this -- but a new MERGE feature on the Message+ phone app to be able to fix what is now so terribly messed up!!

I have to believe a MERGE should be pretty easy to implement.  In fact the app ought to just do it, without any prompting.  But if it's a new feature to explicitly run (like the Samsung Contacts merge) that's fine.  These are identical text, identical timestamp.  It's just the kind of thing a computer should be able to do really easily and fast, but a human (with the given interface for deleting) is incredibly time consuming and inaccurate.

PLEASE get this request to the Message+ developers ASAP!!!

I am convinced that I am not alone in having this problem, and that it would be quite easy to reproduce.

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep



It's great to know that you're so passionate about using Message+ on your phone. The best way to report an issue like you had described will be to open the Message+ app, click Menu > Settings > Account, and then report the issue there. This goes directly to the app developer. Alternatively, you can visit the app's page on the App Store you had downloaded/updated Message+ from to email the developer. For Android: https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/knowledge-base-43779/ , and for Apple: https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/knowledge-base-206748/


