Google Photos thru Verizon Messages not working.
Enthusiast - Level 2

When I go out into Google Photos, select a photo and then Share to Messages, It attaches the file then when I try to send it,  I get "unknown Error Sending Message" when I send it to some other users .  My wife and I are on the same account but have different phones..same problem independent of phone type.

All users are on the Verizon network

When I send a Google photo to another Google photo user, no matter the size, no problem.

When I send a Google photo of a small size to a non Google Photo user, it goes thru.

When I send a Google photo of lets say 3 meg to a non google photo user, it fails.

Version 6.4.4 of Messages.

I have Samsung Note 4. 

Wife has S7. 

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2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

MJAMES9999 One of the best benefits of a Smartphone is sharing/taking photos. Let’s dig a little deeper to figure out why this is happening. Are these photos you took with the phone? If not have you tried to download the photo to your phone first? When did this problem start?

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Enthusiast - Level 2

Fixed with 6.4.5