How do I force Verizon web messaging to operate in SMS mode?

I use Web Messaging extensively as I do not have access to my phone while at work. Over the last few months it has become increasingly difficult to text some people. I do not have issue with receiving texts through the app just sending them. What I have noticed is that when I am having problems the web app is in CHAT mode only for the number I am texting.  When the web app is in SMS mode I do not have problems. In order to get the web app into SMS mode I am forced to logon, logoff, and open and close the web browser multiple times. This can take very many attempts if it ever works. I am using Internet Explorer 11 at my desk and have no other choice of browser. Can you help Rick

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4 Replies
Master - Level 3

The messages will automatically switch to chat mode when the sender & receiver both have the Verizon Messages service active (you on the web browser and them on the device app, similar to other messaging programs like iMessages, Hangouts, etc.)

Your chat messages are actually being sent, and the other party's device is receiving them, but they would only see them if they are actually using the Verizon Messages app. With all the different message program options out there, many people choose to use one of there choice, such as Samsung Messages, Android Messages, Chomp, Handcent etc. That's fine, but the chats are only viewable in the Verizon Messages App, so if they opened that one instead they'd see all the chats.

To prevent that issue they'd want to disable the Verizon Messages App on their device if they prefer to use another Messaging app. Right now the Verizon Messages App installed on their phone is communicating with the server that it's still active, so when you restart the program it will engage the chat feature once it's recognized again.

After the receiving party disables the app it will just use the SMS/MMS modes like anyone else not using the Verizon Mesaages app to receive them. It's definitely a good idea for them as they'd would also be missing any chat sent to them since they're not using the app but still have it enabled on their device.


Oh, would that this were correct. Unfortunately it is not correct.

When both phones are turned off and both parties are using the web app, the web app will not send messages while in chat mode. Simply put, when one clicks the send button the message does not leave the send box and the message is not received.

We are both using the iMessage app and have disabled chat in the settings. Still the web app switches to chat from SMS and all communicating stops. If one of us is using the phone that that person can send messages to the web app while the web app is in chat mode but the person using the web app cannot send messages while the web app is in chat mode.

The only way to make it work is to get the web app into SMS mode and this requires closing and opening the browser then logging in until the mode is SMS again.

The web app will suddenly switch from SMS to chat without warning and the process starts over again. I have never experiences the web app switching from chat to SMS.

No mater who I message the web app will not send if it is in chat mode. Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, etc...

Customer Service Rep


Help is here! We want to make sure that you can use the web to send your messages with ease. Iโ€™m sorry that has not been the case. From my understanding, when you send a message to someone & it is in the chat mode, it does not send? Is this correct? Please see this link for steps on how to set up the messages + desktop app.  Let us know if you run into any issues further.


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So,, I guess the solution is don't use the web app.

Thank you for your help