How do I pick which phone number Verizon's Integrated Messaging service connects to?

I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 which comes with the Message+ app.  I have Message+: 5.6.6.  When I setup the Message+ app it will only let me set the app up with the phone number associated with my Note 4.  I would like to setup the app with a different phone number.  I have two phone numbers and phones on my Verizon account.  I only receive text messages on one of those numbers so I would like the Message+ app on all my devices to be associated with that one number.  I have been successful setting the app up on my computer and other tablet, but for some reason the Note 4 only lets me associate the app with the number of the phone.

Thank you in advance to anyone that can help.

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1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

We can definitley understand the importance of receiveing your messages in multiple places. You are able to set up specific phone numbers on your pc and that. You have/can download the Message+ app to those devices. However, on your actual phone (Note 4) it will be specific to the actual number of that device. The app is already preinstalled on that device. This link goes over other information in regards to the Message+ app:

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