How do I send multiple cellphone numbers a message in Messages +?
Enthusiast - Level 1

PLEASE help! messages+ app: I want to copy 5 cellphone #'s from a document and paste into the "To:" box, to

send a group text.  I do NOT have any of these cellphone #'s entered as a contact in my phone. when I do this now,

it says "invalid address" as the app thinks all 5 cell #'s are ONE address.  I tried separating them with a comma, then

a semi-colon.  it didn't work.  when I enter one address at a time from my contacts, group texting works fine. I need to know

how to separate the multiple cell #'s in the "To:" box.  thanks! (phone= LG V10)

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1 Solution
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Type the 10 digit number in, then  a semi colon; it will automatically format as a 10-digit phone number and be ready for the next.  If you are copy/pasting, it may not work as well, or at all.  Type each number in (no formatting, no spaces, just the numbers, and then semicolon).

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Type the 10 digit number in, then  a semi colon; it will automatically format as a 10-digit phone number and be ready for the next.  If you are copy/pasting, it may not work as well, or at all.  Type each number in (no formatting, no spaces, just the numbers, and then semicolon).